New Varieties

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi all,

Glad to see the Forum was green-lighted by Dave! Seems there have been SO many new hybrids introduced in the last few years (sunset series, etc.). I would like to hear some real objective personal experiences. Please tell us how they have done - preferably if you've had them for at least two seasons. What would you recommend / get more of, and what would you scratch from the must-have list? Thanks!


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I would like to see other opinions too. I think I've given mine too much.

I do have a new one - this is The King - looks great next to a fried banana and cheese samich ;)

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

For 2 years I have been waiting for this one after failed attempts - Sigmund the Sea Monster here is making me wait longer. I'll let you know what it is once it opens.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Al, didn't you have a post where you rated your experiences with them (as of early Summer)? Maybe you can post that agan.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

I would like to hear from anyone who is growing echinacea 'Jade'. I would like to put it and 'Green Envy together. Is it a good selection as a plant and how to the flowers hold up?Would they make a good combo?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Victor - I'll come up with something.

ngam - my Jade is really struggling this year after 2 good years. I have even resorted to disbudding it and fertilizing to push it back to the living. It would look good by GE - one is green and one is just a tinge of green to it. I am thinking Coconut Lime would match up well too.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Sigmund! *me, still laughing!* There should be Sid and Marty series coneflowers! So off topic, but you started it, al;-)

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

This is new here this summer, 'After Midnight'. This is the first good flower just getting started. This one is supposed to be shorter and more compact.

Thumbnail by ngam
Stewart, TN

Are the old ones the best or are people happy with the new varieties?

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Rebecca - I have planted several 'Coconut Lime' this year and love them! They are heavy bloomers & care-free! I don't know how they'll do after the winter, but we'll see! Samantha

Deer Lodge, MT(Zone 4a)

In regards to Coconut Lime...mine is doing wonderful! Never know how some of these new ones will perform, especially in southwest Montana....planted this one last summer and was extremely happy to see that it made it through the winter and is now blooming...quite a few flowers and it looks just great...guess I'll see how the new Green Jewel and Tiki Torch fare through the winter here this season. Green Jewel is now blooming...nothing breathtaking per se, but it is different and unique.


Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

I agree about CL. Others that came through last winter here are 'Summer Sky', 'Sunrise','Harvest Moon' and old reliable 'Ruby Giant'. 'After Midnight' and 'Twilight' started to come back but then just died off. I have many new ones this year and we will see who returns next spring. New this season are 'Twilight' giving it one more chance, 'Pink Double Delight', 'Purity', 'Fatal Attraction', 'Merlot', 'Hope', 'Green Envy', 'Tiki Torch', 'Sundown', and 'Primadona'.

Stewart, TN

Very interesting. I guess I may try one old one and old new one.

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

I think it interesting that people didn't answer the question about how the second year flowers did on the fancy hybrids. I bought a non-named yellow coneflower (see photo) and the next year, it came back with small pink coneflowers. Since this was not the named hybrids, and was fairly cheap, I didn't worry about it.

Thumbnail by pbyrley

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