winter squash looks great, what's wrong with summer squash

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Why is my summer squash planted a couple months ago, looking poor from the l00 degree weather and my young winter squash plants, which the vines are nicely growing, look so nice in this heat.

I'll go take pictures and post them

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

here's the summer squash, golden zuchinni in the front and zepher and starburst in the back.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

You have to be looking at it in person to see the difference, but the zuchinni especially has leaves browning and looks horrid looking. I know it doens't look too bad for l00 degree weather, but the rest looks good for this weather. I'msurprised anything is growing out there.

this is the zepher and starburst, I planted summer squash for the second time this season, which is why some of these are smaller than others, the zuchinni was planted about 3 to 4 weeks before the squash back behind it was.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

This is all the winter squash planted about the 3rd week of july maybe the second week. It looks great, and some are about to vine out now.

There are about 5 kinds of squash planted here.

blue hubbard, baby blue hubbard, futsu I think that's spelled right, long island cheese, I forget the other two's names.

I lost all my tomatoes I planted, as young seedlings, I guess the heat did them in, I planted goliath and parks whopper. Hoping for some fall tomatoes, I do have some seeds left. Think I could plant some seeds directly into the ground andthey 'd do well? remember we're having l00 degree weather here and it's like 110 in the sun no rain in sight and no rain the last 1 l/2 weeks, but i've watered this squash well.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Ha! You're just showing off how nice they look.

Of course the young winter squash are going to look perky and cheeky when they are young like that.

I find that zukes and such commonly deteriate with time and often die or become worthless. Uncommonly they grow vines and keep on ticking.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

These zuchini plants have just started producing though, they sholdn't be looking so rough looking should they?

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Most of my zukes look bad after bearing about 6 or 7 fruits.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

well, I guess I won't worry about it then, cause there seems to benothing one can do about it. thanks.

So they look good ha? LOL

Go ahead, tell me .....

he he I know i'm so bad.

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Kathy ann,

they look SO good! You should see mine, I won't even post a picture here to contrast against your splendid looking specimens, but I did post a picture before asking what ailed my poor squash. I suspect the cucumber beetles spread a nasty virus to mine.

If anyone knows of squash that is resistant to disease, let me know. I love the crookneck yellow, and I am getting some nice ones even from my ailing plants, but I would like to get better results in the future, as this is my second year with anything from rather lackluster to absolute disaster squash plants (and that goes for both summer and winter squash). I do see the dreaded cucumber beetle out and about in my yard, yet my cucumbers are thriving...

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

thanks for the compliment essentialplanet. what ws going on with your squash plants? wilting and dying? I've not had cucumber beatles, but I do have stink bugs constantly. Their horrid. and I get those nasty little thingies that get into the root or just above the ground and cause the whole plant to wilt and die. I usually dab a little 7 dust jsut at he base of the plant right where it comes out of the ground, andthat's it. That keeps the vines from dying from that wilt whenthat bug getsin there and sucks the life out of them.

I pick off the eggs to the stink bugs constantly. which is about all one can do.

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Hi Kathy Ann,

Well, I am not sure the cucumber beetles are to blame, but I suspect them.

The leaves of my squash turn first yellow, then brown and wither and die. Some of the fruit is good and healthy, others start out feeling mushy and rotten from the start and I just cut them off and discard them.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

It's so hard these days to tell what's going on with our plants, so many things and bugs can affect them different ways.

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