Potting up iris before planting in garden...

Naperville, IL(Zone 5a)

I read a previous post about potting up iris in the summer and planting out in the garden in the fall when the temperatures aren't so high. Do you think I could do the same with iris as I did with my daylilies? With the daylilies I recently received I potted them up in damp sphagnum moss and put them in a shady spot outside. Once the weather cools a bit, I'll plant them out in the garden. After only a couple days, I'm already seeing a little new growth.

Would that be an ok temporary home for the iris as well or do I need to pot them up in potting soil?

Thanks. =)

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

You can plant the iris in pots with just regular garden soil that they will be in. Water until see new growth then stop watering

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I recently came across this article on the CIS (Canadian Iris Society) website:



Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

Wow, Critter that article makes good sense..I have several orders still coming in and the temps here are unbearable...We really don't have cold weather here til late into October, gives me lots of time to get them into the ground...thanks for the link!!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

speaking of "still coming in" -- Jackie, I haven't forgotten your box! It just took me longer than I thought it would to sort through all the irises I picked up at the local AIS chapter's rhizome sale... I'll Dmail you with a confirmation/tracking number when they go out. :-)

I've got some little rhizomes that I might pot up to be sure they get off to a good start. As hot as it was this morning when I was planting, I nearly decided to pot up all of them!

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

I know the feeling..I work mornings from 6 to 8 outside. It's all I can do when the humidity and the temp are the same..it has been like a tropical jungle here complete with all the insects. I am rural so no city sprayers here. I am food.

I wish we had places to buy iris here. I can only buy online...but I have done my part to keep the farms in business this year..I love the idea of being able to pot them up.really wish I had done that with some earlier ones I received, they are not looking great. I planted them properly, but only Satan can stand Texas this time of year.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

There is a good local place, look up Argyle Acres - you will love it and depending on where you live for sure it is not too far, anyway I love that place... it will hurt your pocket book but a nice place that is easy to work with.

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

If it is in the city of Argyle it is probably closer for me than you....I am up 35E North of Gainesville, near the new Winstar Casino...I"ll have to check it out next spring

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

It sure is - love that place.

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