All new to me this year!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Potatoes (Yukon Gold), Corn (Honey & Cream), and onions (Valencia, from seed!).

What a fantastic experience!!!

(Had to throw in the Chelsea Prize Cuke, too, as well as a few Cream Sausage tomatoes.)

Thumbnail by Sequee
Greenback, TN

YUM! Dinner at Sequees everyone!

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Looks fabulous, Sequee!!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Great looking veggies. You got a meal there.

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Mmm... Sequee.. Keep this up, I'm inviting myself over.. :)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh, but darn! You're away...

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

LOL... Sequee.. But I get home tomorrow.. :D ROTFLOL...

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Uh-oh, spaghettios! Off to get some rabbit traps...

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

LOL.. You funny Sequee.. Although carnivore hubbie does refer to me as his bunny sometimes.. What can I say, I prefer veggies.. :)

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

Sequee, everything look sooooooo good, I really want to eat those sliced tomatoes in the top of the picture, yum!

Nice job btw! :)


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

They were really good, too. Black Sea Man and Ananas Noire. And finally, my Black Cherries are starting to ripen. I thought they were going to keep me waiting forever!

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)


Oh, those look so good!!! I have yet to grow Potatoes. When did you plant these? Any tips for a first timer? I am thinking of trying a fall planting...

Raeford, NC

sequee Those big sliced ones were Black Sea Man ? Never heard of them .Need to try them. I like big tomatoes. How would you describe the flavor?And the Ananos Noir is this a regular tomato for you to grow. Have not heard of it either. Is it a red tomato? Trying to figure next year and there seem to be so many tomatoes. Thanks Deanna

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

This is my first year growing both of these. The AN came highly recommended. I've only had one so far, so I'm not ready to make a statement on it. The BSM is putting out nicely and I do enjoy them.

The sliced tomatoes in the front are Black Sea Man , but I wouldn't call them a BIG tomato. They aren't as bold in flavor as some of the other blacks that I've tried. (I love the blacks and purples!)

Here are their descriptions from the internet:

Black Sea Man
Early to mid-season; 70 to 75 days. Small plants with medium-sized slightly flattened, deep brown fruits and rich flavour. Determinate, potato-leaf. Fruits are a rich mahogany with olive shoulders when mature.

Ananas Noire or Black Pineapple
This unusual variety was developed by Pascal Moreau, a horticulturist from Belgium. The multi-colored, smooth fruit (green, yellow and purple mix) weigh about 1 1/2 lbs. The flesh is bright green with deep red streaks. Outstanding flavor, being both sweet and smokey, with a hint of citrus.

I can give you a few seeds of each if you'd like to try them. Just send me a d-mail.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey, d - I just realized something!


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Ok everyone send Janice the D mail for seeds lol. Ernie

This is Morton aug 2007

Thumbnail by eweed
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey, ernie - long time! Hope you are well - I'd say "oh, yesh!" judging from the smarty-britches!

Those look great! Are they saladettes, or larger?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Janice new to me this year 8oz to about over a pound slicers. Morton is a Harris seed no longer available sniff sniff.

These onions are from seed Aliesa Crag they are big and if cured and stored properly will remain good till the end of the year or late Jan. Ernie

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

oops do over

Thumbnail by eweed
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Those Alisa Craigs are beautiful, but I suspect they are long day onions. I need Intermediate day. Has anyone tried Alisa Craig for Intermediate Day latitudes? I usually do pretty well with Walla Walla's which are long day onions but they don't keep all that well. It appears to me that Long Day onions are the ones that have the best keepers.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Congratulations Sequee! All those veggies look great! Especially since they were mostly container grown. Great job well done! Enjoy those good eats!

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Alisa Craigs did not do well here in KY. Hey Ernie, my friend, good to see you here. Our Candy onions this year were awesome :) all gone though........they are great sellers.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Kathy funny thing Candy has not grown well for me two years in a row yet is a cash crop in Eastern washington which has the same daylight but is way hotter. It was 39 last night this has been a cold spring and a cool summer about four or five days in the high 80s and that was a month ago. AC and Walla Walla Sweets grow great here. I think next year I am going to try to grow some onions through black plastic mulch with a T Tape under it for watering. Just think no weeding and lots of water at the right time. Havent decided yet wheather I will hook a fertlizer injector for feeding with a water soluble fertilizer but probably will lol I want some five pounders.

This is our guest Maria who is thrilled with my garden she has a couple of good sized ones but not as big as last year.

Thumbnail by eweed
Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Wow Ernie, those onions are beautiful!!! We have had a terrible weather year, first...5 days of freeze, not frost in April. Then rain, then drought. The day we went to replace our irrigation pump, it rained. But then we went into major drought again...oh I forgot to mention the two weeks of monsoons. Now it has been so hot for over 2 weeks, one cannot even function in this.........although we've still had to do farmers' markets. We had over 100 almost every day last week and the same is expected this week. We had to harvest onions early on...they had some size to them, but nothing like what you have there.

Still getting your plants from Dixondales?

:) Kathy

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Kathy I have been starting my own in flats in Jan this year though shoe sent me some he got from dixondale by mistake so I had a few dixondale plants to go along with what I started. Next year I may do all my own if so will start them in Dec . If I pland seed in the ground at the end of Aug and let them winter over they get the mildew even planted far apart. Ernie

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Roseone - not so much with the containersd on these crops. Most of the tomatoes are in EB's, Garden Patch Boxes (my faves), and a few tubs, but the rest are grown in raised beds. This year I build 7 4'x4' sq. ft. beds, and that's where I grew the peas, squash, cukes, zukes, corn(!), and onions, along with one tomato plant in each of the lower 5 boxes. (The upper 2 SQBs held corn and a couple of low running cukes and zukes, and some errant Morning Glories.)

Boy, what a day I had yesterday! I spent 5 hours in the gardens after all the rain we had over the past 30 hours (3.6", after 3.2" earlier in the week.). I cleaned out the turnip spaces, and one row of onions in a window box - all of which I replanted. It may be too late for the onions, but I love them so much it's worth a shot. I direct seeded the Valencia into the Window Box and to a space I made in the raised bed extenion, then I planted scallion seeds in the corners of a few eggplant tubs, and along the corn bed. In the turnip beds I planted more purple top turnips. I've determined that I really don't like any of others, so I will give those seeds away. (The 7-top is great if you like the greens, but I found that I get more than ebough with the PT, so why bother growing one that doesn't form a root?)

The flat Helda Beans are hands down my favorite bean EVER! Every time I make them I am in awe of the flavor! Such a treat!

The cole crops were a huge disappointment again this year, though I am getting a little better! At least I got to try some brocolli! I have cabbage leaves out there, too, it just didn't head. I may give them all one more shot, just to use up the seeds. I'm going to try to turn the Sq. Ft. Beds early, and see if I can turn them into temporary cold frames, using old casement windows. I've got nothing to lose. And the radishes sure work out well that way!

I also love going out and digging up potatoes, so I will grow lots more of those next years. Both the potatoes and onions were a real treat this year. Next year I'm going to concentrate on more of of the Cippolinis and Valencias, and cut out the Leeks. They really don't do much for me, and I may skip the Red Torpedoes, too. They were good, but not as good as the other 2. After seeing those AC's, I may have to take a stab at those, too. Will they work in a cold frame once I get them started?

I made a nice haul today; brought in 10 flat beans, averaging 7-8", 1-9" English Cucumber, 2 Turnips, 2 beets, 4 shallots, 3 potatoes, 4 onions, some brocolli and swiss chard, 2 Bell Peppers, and 71 tomatoes [3 Arbats-one of this year's favorites, 4 Anna Russia (2 rotted on the vine from all the rain we've been having), 4 Black Sea Man - ditoo the above re: rotting on the vine, 2 Khaborovsky, 6 Mother Russia from the EB's and 3 Mother Russia from the raised bed, 1 Crimson Delight, 1 Big Mama Paster, 9 Three Sisters - the real favorite this year, by a landslide!, 3 Black Cherry, 7 Cream Sausage, 18 Juliet Grape, 5 Green Zebra, 1 Marvel Stripe, 1 Brandywine, and the first NJ, weighing in at close to a pound].

Needless to say, I'm off to visit some neighbors this afternoon, and will be making some chili and spaghetti sauce tonight! (Last night was hot sausage, peppers, onions, and turnip greens, with a big platter of sliced tomatoes and cukes. Life is good in the garden!)

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Sequee, you are on fire!! Sounds great. I like your idea about the raised bed/cold frame and bet it will work well for you. Good luck. And I'm definitely checking out Helda for next season.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

They are definitely on tonight's menu, with mashed potatoes and teriyaki chicken on the grill. (And sliced tomatoes and cukes, of course!)

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Let's see, 2 hrs to Albuquerque, 3 or 4 hours by plane ( if there is one to NY from here), and x hours to your house in Carmel. I may be a little late for dinner, but I'll be there!

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Paja, Stop by Louisville airport on your way....I'll be waiting to join you the rest of the trip.......:)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Well, I got tired of waiting, so I had dinner without you. (I did drink a glass of wine for each of you, though!)

Thumbnail by Sequee
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Thanks for thinking of us and drinking to us. I so wanted to be there. Instead I hauled a truckload of manure from the home of a horse loving friend, in hopes of having the same dinner here in Los Alamos next year. When I will do, I will lift a glass to you and MistyM.
Darn. If only I could have gotten a flight out!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Sequee, you are the busiest gal on Dave's! Cheers and good luck to you and your garden!

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Well, in all honesty, I was exhausted and actually sat down and watched, not one, but two movies in their entirety. That never happens!!! I needed some down time......I've been working 8 days a week, 30 hours a day at the farm and farmers markets and CSA and.........well, I'll stop there........phew.

Have a beautiful day,

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