Suggestions for fragrance this late in season for containers

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

do you have any suggestions for fragrance this late in the season for containers? i am still a beginning inventory gardener so alot of my
fragrance has played out ...died etc...; i am looking for full sun as well
as shade candidates....

If you have the right climate White Ginger flowers late Summer and all through Autumn here.....gardenias should still go on til cooler weather....4 o'clocks go on until cooler weather....a lot of Summer things just need a haircut and a bit of a feed and they will come back for you.Snail Creeper should be coming on...and go through to cooler weather......gotta go hope that gives you some ideas :)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i already own gardenias...have a ginger but not a white one....will look for those things...what is snail creeper

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

is snail creeper the same as corkscrew vine?

sorry I think you call it corkscrew vine over there

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i cant believe penelope cruz

I can

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Fragrant Hostas are good for shade.
How late season are we talking? Something for fall or just late summer?
In Fall stock is at the top of my list then Heliotrope, and Viola odorata. My Brugs and Datura are usually still blooming thru fall to the first frost.
Late summer again the brugs and datura, Sweet almond verbena is in full bloom, Butterfly bushes are going to town, Roses, Several hostas are blooming along with the Brunfelsias, and last but certainly not least Aglaia odorata it has my whole front porch smelling like lemon blossoms. While its not the prettiest plant the year round blooms make it one of my favorites. It would also do good in shade
I know there are more but these are my favorites.

This message was edited Aug 6, 2007 7:24 AM

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Who/what is penelope cruz?

Sorry we had been talking about something on the other forum ..she is an actress who appears today on the front cover of our Newspaper.She has run off with a famous married singer...sorry to have wandered.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

LOL! I thought it was some new plant I hadn't heard of yet. Is this the same girl woh dated Tom Cruz for a short time?

Yes I thought someone was going to yell -because we went off the Subject...yes Our front pages say Bono has left his wife of 24 yeas to run off with her....if you recall she ran off with our Nicky's x Tom so that is what that is about sorry....say your plants look as though you might be in a cooler climate than ours what is your summer and winter like? PS I wouldn't be surprised if they had named a carniverous plant after her! (Slapping my own hand for that!)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I hope that's not true--I always thought better of Bono! If it is true I like the idea of naming a carnivorous plant after her, that would be fun!

Yes I have the pictures in front of me and he is holding her hand and they look mighty cosy ...surely someone would sue someone if these headlines are not correct....

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

LOL! I would never yell!
Chrissy our fall and winters are cool with some short spells of frost or a light freeze. Most of my Tropical plants need a warm greenhouse to make it thru the late winter months.

Gee You sure have to work hard at your garden stuff....I admire you all for your great efforts....and here is me whinging about a bit of makes me feel guilty......good on you! and every one who has to baby their darlings through the Winter :)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

chrissy ....i think it is all relative about working hard at gardening....i feel sorry for the northern zones that only have 3 months of growing time.....i guess you just get used to stuff dying back and then starting all over.....our winter starts about nov or dec and goes to feb or mar....with the last freeze usually in april.....but even then there are nice days out in the garden to garden even b4 the last freeze....i would love to be where you are.....but then again i would like to be a millionare(grin)

i SO have lost respect for bono...

Does it kill off the fruit fly....that is our cross to bear......maggots in everything unless you spray and spray...I don't I use natural baits...and that does a pretty good me about 70-80 percent of good does the freeze kill off most of your
pests ?
bono?oh well guess it is par for the course in the rock world ....I think he will regret it...some guys go out and buy a red sports car...rock stars trade wives....mid-age crisis is the pits!
The headline? In the name of love
....not what I would call ? yeh right! enjoy your day day :)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

itz a beatiful day!!!!!!!!!da da da dadadada!!! dont' let it get away

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Freeze doesn't kill off pests ~ makes them bigger and badder! Survival of the fittest!

Do you have fruit fly?.......gee that's a drag ...over here when we have the odd frost it knocks off a lot of the insects -so in a way that is a good thing...we have a noticable drop in the numbers of troublesome things like aphids and stink bugs etc....perhaps because it is so rarely really cold that our little nasties...have no resistance.....maybe yours have evolved to suit the cold is a mystery......

Cause I'm a CREEP...I'm a woooormmmm....what the hell am I doin here.....I don't belong hereeee
What someone will be singing to his ex when he gets the flick!
enjoy your day ! happy gardening all :)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

chrissy is that a song?

Yes it is I can't remember who sang it but if you like Bonos work you will love that -I think it was late 80's did you see Rock star Supa Nova? the bald guy Sorry can't remember the name -sang it and bought the house down........This guy is singing to his lady while she is sleeping and he watches her singing about how very special she is -But he knows he is a Creep! ...I wish I was Special ( because she is so special) great song and so very fitting for all who have strayed and ...well been a creep!) It is called I am a Creep or Creep I am not sure which....really good song.:)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

well it is appropriate!!!

Conneaut, OH(Zone 5a)


That's it edgeoftheworld thanks ...what do you think of it? great song don't you think?...... skin makes me cry...floats like an angel..
Thank you! did you see that guy sing it in Rock Star Supa Nova ?
nailed it so well ended on the floor just about it's own way a true love song.

Maryville, TN(Zone 6b)

Sticks N Stones, I can give you some white ginger lily tubers if you like in a trade. They smell heavenly, are a perennial here and spread like mad. I planted them with orange Canna Lilies around my above ground pool and they are so pretty. Oh, and Penelope, NOT NICE! BONO, clay feet.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

littlemick....WELL, you will certainly have to twist my arm....NOT; yes yes yes i would love some; what are you looking for? i am not sure i have any thing you will want but i will certainly try!!! or i can send postage....YEHAW

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mick - are those one in the same as White Butterfly Ginger?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I just found this thread ... Help. I'm on the edge of my seat. Are Bono and Penelope still/really together?

SNS, did you find your smelly plants? Enquiring minds n all that...

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

still working on smelly plants...i just got out of the hospital...major arm surgery;
never saw anything on bono and hussy cruz...i mean penelope cruz

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

See, I always knew that we had stuff in common. Have we been leading Parallel Lives?

Okay, well, maybe not. That is ... unless you've got Bunion Arms? I just had my second surgery on Friday and will be home recovering for several weeks.

Thumbnail by wrightie
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Sheez ~ is this what gardening has done to youse guys? I may have to find a less harmful hobby. LOL

Seriously, I do hope you both bounce back in record time. Sticks are you a one handed typist?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Podster, Sticks N I are adrenaline junkies, which is how we became injured on the Xtreme Cottage Gardening pro' circuit.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i am a one hand typist....and an extreme gardener....1st thing that i did when home from hospital was check the yard

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Wrightie LOL ~ ROFLMBO Xtreme Cottage Gardening pro' circuit ~ how cool is that!

Sticks ~ I hope the garden was O.K. ~ how long were you out of pocket? Shamed to say I didn't realize it... Sorry

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

pod i really didnt tell anyone .....i was operated on for 3 hrs yesterday morning ...have a nice plate and screws in my home tonight....

i was being down right cheap 3 yrs ago when i refused to pay someone to paint my house....fell off the ladder at roof level...; bones didn't grow back together

moral of the story...i would have been better off to hire someone cause i am up to about 20k in lost wages...and doc bills

nother moral of the warning labels on ladders that say do not stand on top rung....

nother moral of the story...make sure to get a ladder that does have warning labels on it....not a 50's great antique wooden ladder

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Ugh. I'm so sorry, Sticks.

On a side note ... we both got screwed. I've got three screws in my feet. Ice packs are my friend.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Hope the prognosis is good!

I would do the same ~ those poor painters will starve with us around...

The future will have to be brighter with the arm healing and you getting back to normal ~ whatever normal is... : ))

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Wrightie ~ what the heck are you doing with screws from bunions?

Man, I am getting scared to be hanging with y'all!

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