
Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

I planted basil in between my tomato plants - several varieties. I planted in early June. A couple are over a foot, but some are still 1" only. What's up with that? My son-in-law, who lives in a warmer part of CA, has a bush so huge they could never eat it all!

Burlingame, CA(Zone 9a)

I have the same thing happening with my basil, dun1kirk, and I think it's because of the sun/heat they are getting. I have basil interplanted in my main tomatoe bed that is pretty small. It gets almost all day sun but in the afternoons is shaded by the large tom plants. Then in another bed I have basil planted in front of the tom plants that only gets afternoon sun and they are huge. This area is scorching at this time of the year and the sun/heat too intense to be out in.

Sorry - just re-read your post and I have no idea why some would still be only 1" tall. Good luck.

Kernville, CA

My basil does well in sun , and its very hot here. The 1" plant sounds like it was from an 'bad seed'.

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately, I have more than one plant that is so very small. Of course today's fog, so thick and cold I doubt I'll garden today, doesn't help either. This doesn't help my tomatoes, either. I baby them like crazy. We laugh that each one that comes to "eatable" stage is worth $100. We've eaten ONE so far, but that is a record date for me. Our warmest weather is in Sept. and Oct. Hope I can fend off diseases till then!

Burlingame, CA(Zone 9a)


I planted about a dozen tomatoe plants with thoughts of making sauce and salsa to last us the year, plus what we would eat on a daily basis. So far I've been picking two or three a day which is just enough for lunch in our house and my preserving equiptment is gatheriing dust! And it's 59 degrees right now. Very chilly.

Toledo, OH(Zone 6a)

Do you go out into your garden and say to your tomato plants "I love you, you are my favorite" in a low voice so the other plants can't hear? Do you sing love songs to your tomatoes???

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

Of course I do! And I caress them too. Mayve the basil isn't growing 'cause I go out and tell them how bad they are as they haven't grown!

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

Basil likes to be HOT! and have all the SUNSHINE! It either goes nuts or just doesn't grow. Just dig it out and move it if it is not happy(use a spade or spoon). It starts easily. When mine starts to bolt I just break pieces off and stick them in the ground. They root and take off easily. Some varieties are fussier than others and some never turn into giants.

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