Cucumber question

My Mother is planning on growing some cukes next summer. My parents are snowbirds and don't get back to NJ until some time in May. If she planted seeds then would she get cukes? Can she buy plants? Since I don't grow cukes I have never noticed if there are ever plants at the nursery. But I do know there are plants that don't like transplanting.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

If she started them right away, she'd probably be fine. I know they like the very hot weather, best, so they'd probably take right off for her.

Ok, I just checked my Gurney's Calypso Cucumber write-up, and it states: Direct sow when weather is warm and all danger of frost is past. Plant again in early summer for a late season crop.

This particular variety is a 51 day cuke, 3-4 inches long with a white spine. Very tasty and easy to grow.

Thanks for getting me motivated to look these up. I think I might just go ahead and start another batch.

Thanks so much Sequee. I will let her know. She will have plenty of time to plant them. I would plant them for her but I just know I would screw something up.

Thanks, Loretta

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm sure you'd do fine. They are pretty forgiving.

Cleveland area, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm in Cleveland, and I never plant cukes until late May or early June. They don't like cool soil, and they will catch up quickly once the soil warms up.

Thank you for your help. We usually plant here after Memorial Day. So I saw my Mom today and told her to pick up some seeds in FL or up here and she should be fine. Or maybe I will pick some up for her.

Sequee, I'm sure I could grow cucumbers. I meant I am sure I would screw something else up in her garden. Today they weren't even sure where they would plant them. LOL

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