
Fulton, MO

I obtained a Naranjilla, Solanum quitoense, in a trade about a year ago. It bloomed all the way along, but it never set fruit. This summer I set it outside and Presto! I have no less than a dozen fruit.

Nasty thorns on this plant, but I understand that there are thornless varieties.

Some pics, first the entire plant, about 2 months ago.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO


Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

More fruit.

Can anyone tell me if the taste of the fruit will earn this plant a place back in the GH this fall? I've heard mixed reviews.

Thumbnail by stressbaby

The site says it is a taste of pineapple and strawberry.....mate it better taste good if you have to fight your way through those thorns
they look fierce....=^O

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

I read that it's suppose to have good flavor but needs to be sweetened. And the fruit is fuzzy not thorny. Should be able to rub the fuzz off when the fruit is ripe.

Tempe, AZ

Ive tasted it several times in S. America. Very good, though not very sweet unless you add a LOT of sugar. Then, its very good. Tangy, with hints of citrus, though its not exactly like anything else Ive tasted. A little bit guava-y....inside is a little slimy, and there are tons of seeds.

Plant cannot handle heat or direct sunlight here in AZ. Not especially surprising considering its native to the Andes, but Ive burned out several trying to find a location in my yard that can support them. Good luck, and save seeds: production falls off dramatically after a few years; farmers will pull/plow them in every 3-4 years.


Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

those thorns do look scary

Fulton, MO

I have picked two so far, and maybe it is just the variety I have, but mine are terrible. Thin skinned, absolutely full of seeds, no taste at all. This plant better improve its fruit or it is not going back into the GH this winter!


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