suggestions for native ground cover in sun

Milton, NH(Zone 5a)

I posted the same request on Indigenous Plants. We've got an area of lawn that is almost too steep to mow. I want to replace it with a native ground cover. The site is in Zone 5, full sun, along a major roadway (road salt) and is well drained to dry. I'm open to either low shrubs or perennials, with the exception of cedar as my neighbor has apple trees. Any suggestions? Thanx. (I'm a newbie gardener)

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

I'm trying things like Thyme, Heath and Heather in my strip between the sidewalk and street since the developer dumped such lousy soil there that the grass was overwhelmed by weeds. So far its working out ok. You can walk on the thyme and the tiny blossoms on all three are welcome. Since heathers are native to Scottich hills, they ought to work on your steep strip as well.

Milton, NH(Zone 5a)

Thanks Don. I'm going to need something that can grip.

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