Tending to a Rose Shrub it has stopped blooming!

Peterborough, Canada

Help! Although I am a novice gardener (three years) I've done very well with a Rose shrub that will grow to about six feet.
However...I pruned her about two weeks ago, and it is very hot here right now. (Ontario, Canada.) Suddenly, though I feed and water her well, regularly, she is not producing blooms. The few buds that appear turn black before they can flower. Also, there are yellow marks on some of her leaves, and holes in some, too.
Have I hurt her by pruning mid-summer? I desperately want her healthy again; she is my pride and joy!
thanks everyone,

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi mrssimpkins, you should post your question on the beginner gardening questions forum instead. http://davesgarden.com/forums/f/b_gardentalk/all/

This forum is for questions about how to use the Plant Files database, definitely more people will see your question if you post it in the other forum.

Jordan, MN

should I prune a "wild Spice" shrub rose. It has not bloomed well this year.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Zeona--I'd go post your question in the same forum I suggested to mrssimpkins.

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