
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

These seeds are from a pod on my 'Exotica'. I hadn't intended to propagate this way but seeing other posts I thought I'd give the seeds a try.

I floated these in water just a couple of days ago and already roots are visible!

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I just put them in some fresh water and photographed this one before I put it root side down.

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Once mine got roots I put them into growing medium and they really took off. I tried several ways of planting and have just put my 50 "bulbs" into their own pots...with the help of my grandchildren. The ones I put into egg crates seemed to have grown larger than the ones planted in pots or unseparated places. I have no idea if this is normally the case or not...this is my first year doing these....BUT I took the clear egg trays that have the clear covers and punched holes into the bottom eggies and plant a seed into each compartment, then I folded the top over and taped it shut to make a nimi green worked great for mine. If you know what they are then I would write on the plastic with water proof sun proof pen and on some other type of marker that cold be tape to the container. I didn't know which ones most of mine were, but I did get five nice sized ones using Charisma as the pod parent and Red Pearl Pollen...I am just so excite about these babies!!! Good luck!!

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

You've got the right idea, Janet. Warmth certainly won't hurt them as long as they don't dry out, and they will grow constantly through what would normally be their first dormant season if you can keep the seedlings warm enough during their first winter. This will give you nice little shallot sized or bigger bulbs to pot up into their next homes. My father used to grow all of his seedlings in his glasshouses (no artificial heat) where the winter temps were probably between 10C/50F at night and 25C/75F during the days. In the summers, daytime peaks over 40C/104F were not unusual, but that is when we used to start hanging shadecloth under the glass and white washing it, not so much for the plants benefit, but just so we could work in there without expiring! Kaelkitty.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

That is great to know..I will move my mini green house into the basement (unheated) or garage for the Winter keep them warm and growing...I will also get a thermometer to measure the temps in the green house on the doesn't have a bottom, but I could put thick plastic underneath ... and they may be happy on the porch in the Winter as well.

I have heard that will the mature bulbs, they do not need a resting period. Mine outside in pots (for the most part) in a place on the porch with morning what point do you bring then in for flowering in the Winter, or do you just enjoy yours outside?

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

i could easily get into Amaryllis.................they are soooooooooo pretty and growing from seed is too tempting!!!

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Again Janet,
I'm probably not the best person to ask about dormancy periods because my winter temperatures and overnight lows are not as cold as yours, but check out this thread, if you haven't already My plants are outdoors year round, but raised off the ground on shelves. I probably get about half of my adults losing all their leaves, the others just stop growing and sulk until the weather warms up again. Technically, winter is still with us down here until the end of the month, but I noticed several of my bulbs are starting new leaves this week, so they obviously think that spring is sprung! Mine do get rained on during the winter, and I have lost the odd one or two over the years to root rot as a consequence, so I would think that dry and dormant would be the way to go in your climate. This link is to the place where I posted the picture of my permanent staging at the new house. I hope this sheds some light on things for you, TTFN KK.

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