Allotment tales

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, I somehow missed your post back in May. We had to cancel Longwood that weekend, but we have rescheduled a trip there for July 18-20. They are having fireworks that weekend as well, they set them off over the dancing fountains and the music is Rachmaninoff which we really enjoy. Will get plenty of photos then. We will be visiting a local winery on Friday, the gardens and fireworks on Sat and perhaps Wintarthur estate?

Terri, you aren't kidding that neighbor of yours has a splendid allotment going there. What are those cylinder type things next to his plants? I love that shed, is it a shed or just a type of arbor with bench and where does he hide his tools? Do they live right there and tend it every minute of the day or what?

And where is your allotment, surely you have plants coming up all over?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Posted simultaneously LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I would never have guessed that pigeons would eat cabbages? Go figure.

london England, United Kingdom

My marigolds are nice !

The shed is like a cabin, plenty of room for tools inside! I don't know where they live, but they obviously spend a lot of time there!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The soils is rock hard now.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, so that little arbor sitting area is attached to the shed, I see now. So do they have to pay more for their allotment since they have more shed space?
Your marigolds look quite healthy. I see what you mean that you don't have a lot coming up just yet, but give it a couple more weeks and bet you'll have veggies filling in those areas or did you plant something else there?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oops, did it again posted while you were doing the same. That latest pick of the dirt is odd, after all the rains you have had, but we have similar peculiar thing here as we have had many rains but the ground is still dry as a bone? That last pic also shows a lot more popping up than the previous post.

london England, United Kingdom

I think it's the same size as mine, they have build it along the whole width of the plot.

My flower area is doing much better than the veggies! I put this in last year but I can't remember the name of the plant. any ideas?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I tried to make little wells to keep the water going to the roots and not to the weeds all around!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Good idea on the water wells. The flowers look really good - hope your veggies come along soon.
Oh so they built their own shed?
If you don't mind I can post the flower on the DG ID and get it id'd right away? Just say the word. I have seen them and believe I might have some, but the name escapes me, blond moment again.

london England, United Kingdom

More flowers!
They had a big plant sale at the allotments while I was away. I missed my chance to buy the plants, and they sold out!!
There were some broccoli and tyme plants left so I have those to go in next. One type of broccoli is called sprouting which grows to 4ft and won't be ready until March next year. Have you ever tried it?

Someone has promised me some tomatoes, I should get them on Monday. The ones I have at home have started to fruit.

Oh yes please on the ID!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Never heard of that type of brocolli, we stopped trying as they were eaten to death by bugs, same with cauliflower. We do have tiny tomatoes coming as well. Hopefully will have a couple zucchine to make into bread. Sorry you missed the sale, but you will have veggies nonetheless. I posted the posy and should get an answer shortly.

london England, United Kingdom

Thank you! now I must go and do some work!

One plot is completely caged with wire!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Lythrum salicaria, purple loosestrife. That's the id. The cage is a great idea, lot of work and doesn't look like much growin in there.

This message was edited Jun 26, 2008 12:01 PM

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for getting the ID, I'm sure it wasn't called that on the label!

The cage one is Trevors 2nd plot, look at the sweetcorns at the back, they are huge already!

love in the mist with gladioli coming up.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

outside the hut on the way out!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh, I thought the corn was somebody elses plot. Doesn't look like it is caged. We can't keep corn standing so have stopped growing it as well.
Wow, was somebody chasing you by the glads, so blurry it makes me lightheaded! LOL,
Lovely flowers on the outside of the hut. That digitalis is hugeous!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Terri and candee. How nice that you can look into other peoples gardens, and not get into trouble for it! That garden bench by the shed is gorgeous! If I was there, I'd help you get yours ship shape Terri! I'd better start saving for the trip! (seriously)
Its all good Terri! You must be getting plenty of flowers for arrangemements! I can't wait for spring (well, minus the weed growth anyway!)
Off to check the forums. keep up the good work and photos.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

THought you might like to see Steve's veggie garden. If not, then cover your eyes quick!!!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi veggie growers!
Lol Sue let me know when you are coming over, I'll need plenty of warning to get on with the housework!!
Funny thing is, I haven't cut any flowers yet, and I got the plot so I could grow more for arrangements.

Steve's plot is looking really good. You are clever doing the tags over the plants! Your soil looks very light, almost like sand?
I think I fell down a hole taking that picture of the glads, Lol!!

Spent some time at the weekend putting the paths down, hopefully this will save time with weeding and I can concentrate on the beds.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Something is eating the cabbages!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The sweetcorn has picked up.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Daylily flowering.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

It is looking good in there. The paths will make it a lot easier for you as far as weeding and you won't be tracking dirt home which will cut down on that house cleaning.
Sweet corn, ohhh I love it, how much will you get? Do you freeze yours or just pick n eat?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Looking good Terri, i didn't recognise it as your lottie when you Dmailed me! caterpillars will be eating your cabbages! Do you get a product called "Dipel" over there? Its a biological bacteria that kills caterpillars but nothing else, so bords e.t.c don't get ill when they eat an infected bug, and you won't get ill when eating your produce. Its an organically endorsed product, so check it out!
Off again, lovely day, and I'm on the puter! Slack!

london England, United Kingdom

I am a virgin sweetcorn grower! Freeze haha! I'll be happy if I get 1 corn to eat!!!!!

Haven't heard of that stuff Sue!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I reckon you need a new thread terri!

london England, United Kingdom

Ok, I'll get round to it!
This is my BEST cabbage so far!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Wow, thats a beaut! I've never grown cabbages before! I think I planted some this year, but theres nothing out there resembling one, so I'm not sure. Well done Terri.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Geez that is pretty - and nothing is eating them. We gave up years ago, if the critters didn't get them the bugs did.
So your lottie is doing well, you obviously passed the inspection with flying colors - super!

london England, United Kingdom

Haven't updated here for a while, most things are growing well.
The stalk and leaves on this sunflower are giant!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

All the plots are looking good on the site. Here's some of them...

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

lots of flowers, not just veggies.

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london England, United Kingdom


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london England, United Kingdom

can't see in this plot with the beans growing all the way across the front!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

sad watering can left in the onion bed here......

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

some look very wild!

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london England, United Kingdom


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london England, United Kingdom

back to my plot!

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