Allotment tales

london England, United Kingdom

View from compst bin after todays work.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Im feeling happier about it now, it's starting to look like an allotment!
The guy that gave me the strawberries yesterday was there again today. This time he gave me a bundle of Rhubarb to eat! (very kind) I'm going to stew it with loads of sugar and have it with custard!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Making great progress Terri. Nice little greenhouse he's got next door. I haven't had rhubarb since I was a little girl and that has been a longggggggg time LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee, It's so nice to have encouragement! The other plot holders are friendly and stop to chat and say I'm doing well. One stopped me working for half an hour!!! lol.
My neighbour is called Tony and it turns out he is one of the committee members! He was telling me that they are growing plants to sell to the plot holders, to help with the costs of the allotments. They sell them at the weekends and will have many more by planting out time at the end of May.
I am still going to sow my seeds in my greenhouse at home. I will buy their plants too!!
They have lots of veggies and flowers so I will put those in first and mine will be later cropping. Hopefully I will have something to put on the table this year!!

I dug this lot up yesterday, weird shapes .... carrots and parsnips.....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Tonys plot

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Some of the plants they are selling... outside his greenhouse, I haven't got far to go shopping!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Tony has put in his sweet peas. I'm not growing them on my plot, I will have them in my garden at home instead.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Its coming along nicely Terri! You'll be able to do midnight raids on tony's plot for cut flowers!
By the way, I HATE parsnips!

london England, United Kingdom

Hello weed woman! come to my rescue at last have you? hahaha!
Well, I was thinking I would be doing him a favour snipping a few flowering sweet peas, it helps to keep them blooming!!
Don't dis my parsnips man! LOL....

I'm getting fed up with digging out grass....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Met someone new today, her name is Anita and she sells the plants!!!!!!!
I got a few things.......

Love in the mist, cornflowers, sweet william, cabbages (round and pointed) marigolds and sweetpeas!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I put some of the new plants in and took the rest home.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The plot opposite mine has some nice Tulips flowering.......

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I like this frilly one.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Along the pathway leading towards the entrance of the allotments.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I'm quite pleased with the work done so far! teeheehee!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Its looking fab Terri! I spose your neighbour might be missing a few tulips now'n'then! LOL. I like the flowers on the way to the allotment. Bluebells aren't they? You said you were taking some of your purchases home. Do you have a plot at home too?
I took the day off today. It rained a bit and I just felt a bit off. Got my sale tomorrow so concentrated on getting all ready for that.
Keep up the good work terri? Looking forward to more pics.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Sue! Hope the sale goes well, Good Luck hope they buy loads of your plants!

I just took home the sweet peas because they need so much attention and watering, I like to have them in the garden.
I noticed Tony has netting over his cabbages, so I didn't put mine in yet............. better get some netting first!
I'm just copying the others!!
There are bluebells and tulips along the pathway, it looked lovely. ........... and it still looks lovely!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Tez! The sale actually went ok. I got rid of 20 plants, so theres a little more space to put some others now! LOL. I made my money back and have a little bit left over to go shopping at the Bromeliad nursery next weekend. Its going to take 2 hours to get there, but the man has already promised me lots of freebies such as succulents and palms and mondo grass. He said to take as much as I like! ^_^ He'll regrest saying that! LOL
Good idea copying the local gardeners. If they've been gardening awhile, odds are they know the tricks!
Its raining.flooding again here. Its been on and off since thursday, but this afternoon it got serious and I've had to go and rescue plants out of the nursery that were going under!
Bills gone for a drive with jenna to look at others yards and to see the beach and rivers/creeks flowing. I told him not to drive through any creeks!
this is the garden this morning before the rain.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh Sue that is gorgeous. It looks like a tropical paradise, my favorite thing. The trees really give it a finished look being so stately at the ends. Let's see more! Especially when you get the freebees.
Terri, your allotment is coming along splendidly. Sounds like the perfect neighbors to have.
You are making me anxious to get some things in the ground, but pouring rain today and the last couple of days although nice weather was not home to get anything accomplished.
I got some sweet pea seeds and will soak them overnight next weekend and hope to put them in.

london England, United Kingdom

Sue, So glad to hear the plant sale went well, makes it worth all the hard work and effort you put into it. Well done!
Well, your garden was looking gorgeous before the rain, hope no damage was done! it looks full of interesting plants.
The brom nursery sounds fab, especially now you're on a promise!!
I'm going to have the first part of the lottie including the triangle for flowers and the 3 long beds for veggies, I think..

Candee, Thankyou! I'm really pleased with myself!!!!!!haha, crazy I know, but it feels good that I have done every inch myself so far! Everyone kept telling me it was too much for me and I should give it up...( mum, brothers, kids etc )
I think that just made me more determined to get it done!!!!!!
Most people haven't put anything in yet. Some have their onoins and potatoes in, someone else said the onions can rot if they go in too early and we have alot of rain.
I hope to start my seeds in the greenhouse next week. Nice you are growing sweetpeas, hope we can use them for a theme sometime!!.

Sue, can you grow sweetpeas down under?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Yes as a matter of fact! I put in dwarf ones this year and they are up, but wont flower till September! I haven't grown the short variety before, as I used to line the whole front fence with them (120 metres) but I've planted trees along most of it now, so had to settle for a packet of seeds spread around the flower and vege gardens.
I can't wait to see you allotment as it gets growing! How exciting!
Thanks Candee. I love my garden! I just wish I could sit down in it without starting to pull weeds and prune. LOL.
I will definitely put pics up of my shopping trip, but probly in the Aussie forum on Monday. You're welcome to come and look/lurk. I'll make a new thread about it probably.
Keep up the good work Tez.
The boat garden

This message was edited Apr 21, 2008 7:39 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Terri, you should be proud, we all know the effort it takes to dig and maintain any plot of ground.
LOL Sue I know what you mean about the sitting. I keep hoping one of these days I'll actually sit back and enjoy ours from a distance where I don't keep jumping up to do something, that compulsiveness in me I guess. Steve says I just don't know how to relax.

That boat garden is spectacular. Reminds me I still need to replace the palms I overwintered and then they croaked. Think I'll just get one majestic palm this year. They had some 8' ones at Lowes for $15 but I don't have a GH or anything to store them, and house ceilings bit too low. When I went back 2 weeks ago they were practically all sold out?
I have never had the sweet peas so wonder how they might fare in my gardens, guess we shall see.

london England, United Kingdom

I can't SIT for very long either!
Love your boat garden, it's really cool! Your garden looks fantastic Sue!
I'll be going back to the lottie on Wednesday, still lots more to do! Someone gave me some chitted potatoes....hey I'm doing well with the freebees!

Thanks Candee! Good luck with the sweet peas! I have grown the dwarf ones for hanging baskets and window boxes, but they didn't do well hanging down... they kept growing up!! Live and learn don't we?!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

So Terri, I'd be a bit wary of the potatoes with a name like that! LOL
Where do you live Candee?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL Sue, I never heard of "chitted taters" either and not sure I want them on my table!
We live in Western MD zone 6a.
Hoping to do some gardening when I get home today. I believe that part of one of the yuccas I transplanted is going to make it and after work yesterday in the drizzle I spread weed n feed on the lawn and then transplanted a little plum bush that is in bloom. Will have to get a photo if it pretty this afternoon. I also moved some monarda that was coming up in my walkway as well as some of the hardy geraniums. I am off on Friday as Steve has a medical procedure but hope it is nice in the morning so I can get some zinnia and sweet pea seeds in the ground.
I have my dahlias potted up and placed them around the sun garden where I think I want them this year? Some of the tubers looked grusome in the grocery bag, but have had that experience with them in years past and they still did quite well so they all got potted.

Wow, now that I have said all that guess I accomplished more than I realized yesterday?

london England, United Kingdom

I'm going to ask Adele if she planted 'chitted' blue potatoes!!! I bet Adele knows what they are!!!!!!

I love Monarda, but haven't tried growing it. You did get alot done Candee!
Hope Steve's procedure goes well.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks Terri. I have lots of monarda, it grows so easily here. I have heard of blue potatoes, but not 'chitted'? We were just laughing about the word, never heard of it.

london England, United Kingdom

I know LOL! I do have a sense of humour y'know, even if I am from England!!!

'Chitted' just means that they are seed potatoes that have sprouted.

Maybe I should try again with the Monada, do you have it in the sun or shade? Looking forward to seeing yours when it flowers. What month will that be?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

It should be blooming in June. I have some in pink, red and lavender. I have it in full sun, but when it has become established I have moved a bit into the shade and it does well.
Interesting word chitted have never heard it before.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I have not heard of Monada. I will have to go look it up. Where is "Western MD?" I am not sure of your abreviations for states. I hope steve is o.k. Your garden sounds like it will be a picture. Do post pics as you go!
How about you Terri? Hows the allotment coming along? Has it stopped raining for you? Its still raining here so nothing going on and no pictures.
I am getting very little sleep due to the excitment of visiting the Brom nursery this weekend. I am hoping the weather clears a bit because we have to go bush and cross a causeway, which has the potential to go under if the creeks get too high. If it gets too nasty, I'll postpone till next week, but that means another week of broken sleep!
Anyway, this is the first cab off the rank, so I'm off to answer the other threads. See you's at the cafe.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

This is some red monarda from my gardens. Sue, monarda is also called bee balm here in Maryland which is on the east coast of the United States. Thanks, am sure Steve will be fine, don't worry mate!
I will be going out today to take some pics, I promise. It is supposed to be 76 here this afternoon with sunshine! Whoopee. Better enjoy as then prediction to go back to rain for a few days and the weekend.
You better get some rest so you aren't too exhausted to enjoy the bromeliads. I had one of those once and killed it off in record time! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the rain stays away for you.

Thumbnail by haighr
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oooohh, that looks lovely! I googled it and found some lovely close ups!
I mulched and cleaned up part of a huge garden today, but had a hawaiian massage later, so am now feeling all rubbery and saggy!
Tomorrow, the house work then "Bromeliad heaven". 2 more sleeps to go!
Hows the allotment Terri?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I can't wait to see what you get from bromeliad heaven! I love them as I am really fond of any of the tropicals, but I just haven't had much success with them. Perhaps it is time to try them again?
How I could go for a hawaiian massage. That sounds splendid. I have never had a professional massage, but must admit I don't mind long as I have the hottub.
I really like the monarda, some of mine get double tops like a double decker bus and if I take the time to deadhead they last most of the summer.

london England, United Kingdom

Hellooooooooooo! No allotment progress to report! It's been raining the last few days , and when it wasn't raining I was at work!

Hope the brom nursery visit goes well and is productive for you Sue! Lucky you with your massage!

Beautiful Monarda Candee, you have sooooooo many! they look fabulous planted on masse like that.

Maybe I'll get back to the lottie at the weekend!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dang rain, here we figured you were up to your neck in bean poles!!!

london England, United Kingdom


Coffs Harbour, Australia

rain here again too! Had my massage. Really liked it and last night, slept like a baby! I got up and cleaned bathrooms and showers then vacuumed and mopped the floors. Then had breakfast and went back to sleep! I love holidays! I got up around midday and had a shower, then went for a stroll outside. The rain guage had 40mm in it, I pulled up a garlic root to make a cuppa with, checked on the nursery and relocated some succulents to a dry spot for the duration of the rain. I also cleaned the skimmer box on the pool, then down came the rain, so here I am! Ginger tea in hand and just polished off a couple of warm banana and walnut muffins! Its pouring! I'm going to clean the inside windows shortly, and if we get more breaks in the rain, maybe hose down the outside windows too! (The tanks are full to overflowing)
One more sleep to go! I do hope it lets up for the nursery visit!
Hey, when you google Monarda, make sure it has the "R" in it. I googled Monada, and got a very confronting image!
Hope you get to your lottie soon, and I recommend everyone have a massage at least once!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, How did the nursery trip go?

Hope all is well with your Steve, Candee!

Coffs Harbour, Australia
heres the link to my day Terri. It was awesome. Its morning for me here and I'm eating raisin toast and having a cuppa. I took the dogs for a little walk seeing as its such a glorious day. I had a quick stroll around the garden and after checking in here at DG, I'm off out to the garage to look at, photograph and pot/plant my purchases! I've got the bug worse than ever now and am so inspired by the ammount of broms Neil had collected/grown over 25 years! Only 23 years and I can have that too! LOL

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, Glad you had a good time. I read the link but didn't get to see any photos (subscribers only)!
I love raisin toast!! Hope to see a few pics if you post them here! It's great to hear that you weren't disapointed with the nursery.

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