How to keep Lizards out of your greenhouse?

Salem, OR

Living in Florida can pose some unforseen problems with ventilation, such as lizards and small snakes such as pygmy rattlers entering sight unseen as well as many large plant eating insects.

Tomorrow morning I plan on super glueing some mesh screening across each of these vents to prevent these unwanted visitors from coming into my greenhouse. The lizards trample and eat all my tender shoots as they pop up thru the soil and are just getting started.

My greenhouse is of the same rubbermaid material as many of the sheds and storage facilities are currently made and was purchased from Sam's Club. I hope the super glue will work with this material.

Does anyone else have any suggestions or ideas as to how I might solve these problems?

Sandra Gilliland
Ocala, Florida

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

Put down some mothballs around the inside perimeter of the GH. I was looking at the TV program Dirty Jobs last week and they had a segment were he went out with a exterminator. They put moth balls down underneath the homes to drive the snakes out. They said snakes did not like the mothballs.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

ick.. people don't either!! lol..

edited to say.. this people anyway.. :)

This message was edited Aug 7, 2007 10:35 AM

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