Fall projects starting??

(Zone 4a)

Well pirl doesn't know it yet but she is the one who turned me onto daylilies. I am going to expand (which I have started) a small long narrow planter that I will plant with 2-3 different types of daylilies...I know they won't produce much this year but I am so looking forward to next year!!!!

What are your projects for the fall???

Victor - have you found what you have been looking for? You know what I mean LOL

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

I think just more fall bulbs. I also want to cut back a lot of things when they are done. Made new beds this spring so some of the older ones didn't get top dressed yet this year, so I want to put down some composted manure and mulch a few ignored beds this fall. Too hot right now to do much and I have hit the July wall after going nuts since early spring. Will chill for a while 'till the nice fresh fall air blows in then will get the itch to dig again. :)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have an big idea for the side of my house that's in almost all shade. I'm planning a pathway and edging of ground covers and maybe an arch or arbor. It's a very large area and have to plan the path wide enough for the ride-on tractor. I have a short stacked stone wall around our Bradford pear tree and I want to widen it and need to get more planted in it. I already placed my bulb and perennial orders. I am itching to get going.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I think I found what Victor is looking for - now to bring her home without my wife knowing ;)

No fall projects here Dawn. Not a bad time to lighten up the spring work load though.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey you beat me to it Al! I was going to say I haven't found CZJ just yet. I always end up doing almost as much planting in Fall as in Spring. I definitely will be adding more JM's. Will be removing some crappy trees. Add more Viburnum and other shrubs. My continuing plan is to go for more shrubs and fewer perennials. I'll add more bulbs and will continue the ground cover holy grail search.

ngam - I feel exactly the same only I hit the June wall. I do very little in the garden in July & August. Love Fall gardening. There's a freshness and smell in the air that's not there in Spring. The smell of fallen leaves is one of my all-time favorites.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Oh, I'm so glad to know that I have company in my "August Fatigue"--suddenly, all those plants I so happily put in earlier seem like a lot of WORK. Yet, I am at the same time looking forward to a Fall project (go figure): I have a 100 x 10ft. border of dry shade on the SE side of our house that I presently call "No Man's Land." Oak and pine trees above, lots of weeds below. I'm thinking rhodos and viburnams to begin with. I put in some hostas and astilbes last fall but basically it's bare. Practically thinking, I know it will just cause me more work to develop this area, but my palms are itching to get started!
What is this addiction?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I've been so faithful pulling weeds, then we get a whole day of thunderstorms and I caught a cold somewhere now the weeds are out of control!!! I can't go out there now it's WAY too hot and my cold is lingering so I get winded real easy. I can't wait till fall.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Then I guess I have not been faithful. True confessions. First time I strayed.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I'm hoping to finsh up my Winter '06 projects this Fall.

(Zone 4a)

Hahaha I guess I started my fall threat too early. I am already done my little planter. Just waiting for my mom's daylilies to stop blooming so she will give me some ha! I will take a photo when I get a chance....

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Is that the best time to divide daylilies, in the fall??

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Daylilies can be divided at almost any time, though I prefer Spring or Fall. They are very forgiving.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

flowerjen - just my own preference for dividing daylilies: right after bloom and divide large clumps with a strong knife just by cutting through the entire rootball and just lifting that section. Put compost and manure in the vacant area and the current plant will grow in that direction since that's where the food is. Water well - both the piece you take out and the compost area of the vacancy.

Only one major fall project - widening a brick path.
Our August project is deleting daylilies.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

killing some grass... and preparing an area to recycle the leaves.... creating some nice grass areas... so much crab grass and weeds have made a big mess... my "lawn" looks horrible...

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