Need help with water tolerant trees

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Don't know which forum to post this on, so I'll start here. I'm in zone 8a just at the SC/NC line on the coast and my yard has the worst dirt I've ever encountered! I don't know what it's built on, but it's like swamp mud. It's black and doesn't drain well at all. Also, the water table is very high. I need some advice as to what kind of trees will tolerate water. I know lots of drought resistant, but I'm stuck with ideas to get some trees and some shade. I know willows and river birch like water. I hope someone can suggest an evergreen that will tolerate water.

Thanks for your help!

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Taks a look at this site, about 1/2 way down the page, there's a list of trees for wet sites. Maybe it will be helpful?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Standbys are always river birch and cypress, bald, pond, there are a few that would work. Water tupelo or weeping willow(that one can cause problems) and there are a few oaks that will work. Basicly go look at a swamp and whatever is growing there and you have your trees.

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much for your help, kids! Great suggestions and those web sites were great links, Deb.

Thanks again,

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

There is a wonderful broad leafed holly, Ilex latifolia, that is said to grow in areas with less than perfect drainage. Also, your native Yaupon hollies would do well. We have native cedar along the edge of the marsh and we have trained some older wax myrtle into trees. Tulip Poplars can handle wet feet too.

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