Rion GH46

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

I ordered a Rion GH46 last night. It was a big plunge for me but worth it. I will no longer have to re-cover my old GH with plastic every year. I am excited about it and I have not gotten it yet. It was on sale at I have seen the 8x8 GH44 for the same price of this GH46 8x12. All advice is welcome.

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

I have that one. My only regret is that it's only 8x12. =)

If I were to do mine over, I'd put it on a short, block wall. This would give more headroom, which I find (at 6'-10") it lacks in. It held fine temps (60's at night, 80's in the daytime) all winter, with only two small electric heaters. No added insultation was installed, and I used only the weather stripping that came with the kit. I plan on siliconing the entire house before this winter, as well as foam-boarding the north wall.

Setup was a snap. My son and I put it up over a three day span (we took our time). The first day, we installed the base and the uprights. The second day, we assembled the entire roof, on the ground, and left it there. The third day, the neighbor and his three sons came over to help lift it on the uprights. While we held it in place, my son went around linstalling the pins that lock the roof. Mounting the roof took less than ten minutes. =)

.How many roof vents came with yours? (Spring for the auto-openers. They're worth it.) Did it come with a shade cloth? (If the location is full sun, you'll need one.) How large of a ventilation fan did you decide on? ;)

HTH. You'll really enjoy it, I'm positive. As I said, I only wish mine was bigger. =)

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

It came with this for the Price of $1,599.
Included Items: 1 Rion GH46 Greenhouse with
white frame, 2 Roof Windows (Vents), 2 Automatic
Window Openers, and 1 Louvre Window.
More accessories to come later. I see in one of the other threads that some one extended the height by 2 ft by placing it on 6x8 timbers. I am thinking of doing something similar to heighten the roof.
PERRYLAWRENCE do you have pictures of your GH on the 6x8? I would love to see what it looks like to get some ideas. :>)

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I have the 8X16 and wish it was bigger. lol never big enough. Mine was ok to set up . We found the top things to hold the panels on (forget what they are called) were hard to put on. My DH and i put it together in 3 day. We also had help putting the roof on. Mine came with 4 roof vents with automatic openers. Here are a couple of pictures right after we put it up.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2007 9:10 PM

Thumbnail by LindaCA
Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

We put it on a 4X6 frame. It is tall enough for me (I'm only 5'1" but my DH gets claustrophobic in it, but hes a big guy). This is the inside right after it was finished. I can't believe how full it is now. I spend alot of time in it, planting, transplanting, watering, hiding out, lol, or just talking to my beloved plants. Hope you love it as much as I love mine.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2007 9:16 PM

Thumbnail by LindaCA
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Maybe Badseed will come along and post some pics of her Rion. She put hers on top of landscape timbers and it's pretty nice inside height-wise. I am 5'10" and I felt fine standing up inside

This message was edited Aug 13, 2007 11:15 AM

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Cynthia, my Rion is a 10 x 10 I got last Christmas...can't find pics at the moment....but I really like mine. It came with 2 vents with the auto-openers and the back vent, and the shade for summer. Eggs Zachtly sounds like he had an easy time assembling his, but the boyfriend and I nearly killed each other getting it together...sited...etc...I guess we're both The worst thing is putting the glazing on...kills your hands.

One stupid thing I did (don't do it) was go by the picture in the catalog and put mulch on the floor, which promptly had to be replaced with rock. And don't put it together in the rain, either. You'll find lots of expensive shelving available, but I think the BF found some regular plastic, sturdy shelving at home depot for a fraction of the price.

I'm probably going to wish I had two by the time I get everything put in it for winter.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone for the pictures and the advice. I was considering mulch, but now I am thing of using something more solid. Linda, what are you using on your floor?

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

The floors in mine is crushed granite, I thought about pea gravel but my DH said it was to hard to walk on. I really like the granite, its easy to walk on, easy to keep cleaned up.
My daughter put mulch in her and ended up taking it out and putting in gravel.
I love my greenhouse and hope you do to.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Cynthia, Dgers actually talked me out of mulch, I had filled the whole thing with cedar, but the folks mentioned breeding funguses. Just a day or so later I walked into my GH and I got that hamster cage smell, and could visualize mold breeding.

I used white river rock for mine, which is a bit bigger than pea gravel (I could only haul so much the second time! lol) and I have been happy with it. One thing I'd like to do but keep forgetting is to get a few stepstones to make a nice path down the middle, but no rush.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

The stepping stones down the middle is a great idea. Thanks!

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Cindy - You may remember that my little GH is on concrete - we put a layer of styrofoam sheeting on it then got a really cheap piece of indoor outdoor carpeting - like Astro turf on that. It's pretty easy to clean with a broom and vacuum now and then. The floor really can get dirty - I use it mainly for a potting shed in the summer, so spilling soil happens.
I have a plastic sink in it I use for mixing soil. Doug built shelving with a wood frame (2x4's) and closet shelving on top. I have bought some cheap plastic shelves at Big Lots, but in time they will warp from the heat in the summer. I also have some tall metal shelves from Sam's that I love. These are sturdy chrome and 17 inches deep. Get shelves that let the water drain through and let you have circulation. We heat it with a simple electric heater.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Just came across this discussion. Thought I'd add my two cents. I purchased the 16' Rion. The company had a special sale which included 4 automatic window vents, two louverd (sp) windows and a shade cloth. Four of us spent a weekend in April '06 assembling it. We put it on an old 60 x 60' cement pad that used to be used for cattle back in the day. So far it has survived the winter/spring of '06-'07 including a terrible blizzard and an encounter with tornado-like winds last fall. I've had to search the neighbors field several times for blown-out panels. Last fall I watched, through the window, three panels flying through the air like feathers. Luckily I was able to retrive them (in the neighbors field, again,) and reinstall back in the GH. Since the company wants $90 with S&H for one replacement panel, It's worth it to search the neighborhood when one blows out. It always seem to be the panels nearest the doors. If you live in town you probably won't have these problems, but we live on a farm in the middle of 100's of acres of corn fields. The only protection the GH has is the barn. Sometimes we park our vehicles near it to help block the wind when we know there's a storm coming. Problems and all, I still love my Rion GH, but I wish I had bought the 24 footer!

D. Smailus, Waterman, IL

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi D,
We must have got in on the same sale. Exactly what mine came with. I also wish I had got the 24 footer to begin with. You can add an extension, which I am thinking about, but I don't know how hard that will be to install. Seems like a pain in the behind to change the foundation to make it now. Mine is on dirt with gravel. I haven't had any problems with the panels comming off but I live in a city with fences and houses to block the wind. I wish I had one acre.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

What a pain it must be to add an extension. You must have to lift the roof off, add new side panels and an 8' new roof section, then lift the 24' roof back on. My husband will say "I told you so", because he wanted to get the 24' in the first place. I hate it when he's right! I was trying to save money! I don't know if I have enough friends to call on for that project.


Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Its worse than that for me, my ground is not level so I would either have to raise the whole thing or dig down to install the new part. Maybe to much work. I hate living on a hill. I bet its easy being installed on concrete, did you have to bolt the foundation down or just put it on top of the concrete?

This message was edited Sep 5, 2007 9:45 AM

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't even get me started on that glazing stuff, my hands hurt for a week after getting all that in. It would be a pain to do an addition. I'm ashamed to admit we had to call some guy over to help my boyfriend get the roof up, I couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried :(

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

We also had a hard time with the roof panels. Those pieces that hold the panels on were really hard to get on. I actually broke one hitting it with a rubber mallet.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Unfortunately cement cow pads are not that level either. They were made with a slight slope to allow for run off. We made a base of treated lumber and it's bolted to the cement and the GH is bolted to the base. I couldn't tell you how many cement drill bits were broken trying to drill into the old cement. The original farmers used a lot of gravel in the mix and when the bit hit a stone it broke. It is nice having it on cement even though there's a 2" difference between the front and back. When I water it all runs to the back of the GH, so my husband drilled drain holes in the wood base along the back side. Sometimes the holes get plugged up with plant debris so I have to clear them with a dowel. I don't use the GH in the summer, too hot. I found it's a great place to dry laundry though. I hang tshirts on the supporting wires. You wouldn't believe how fast things dry in there! Sounds crazy and probably looks crazy too. I have a multi-purpose unit! Ha!

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

That is too funny. I have a real visual of that in my head, lol. I use mine year round. I start alot of seeds and stuff in the summer in mine. The seeds seem to like the heat. I have a fan and mister system.

Edgewood, TX(Zone 8a)

OMG...I just bought the I am worried that I don't have enough friends and family to put the roof on...But my husband wanted to get the 8x16 and I just have too many plants for that small of GH. I too have plumeria...three of mine (7+ft tall) and 7 of my girl friends (4 to 6ft tall) that just moved to Az. and left them with me. I look forward to getting the process of putting it together over.
I did find a picture of one though...I was actually looking at the cassia tree then a year later noticed the GH is like the one I just ordered. I will be putting mine on the south end of my house to protect it from any cold winds this winter...but haven't figured out what to do for the base yet...but I think I have another week to worry about that.
I am so glad I found this thread!
Thanks for all the info...Good luck with your GH

Thumbnail by dudleype
Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone for your info and suggestions for my Rion. Sherri, that Rion in your picyure looks loverly. :>)

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I don't know about the Rion 24, but my 16 has a threshold that's part of the base frame and is necessary for securing the panels and the doors. If you build on cement blocks you will have to deal with the threshold by making a ramp or steps in and out of the house.


Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Finally found a picture of my Rion, (without laundry.)

Thumbnail by pastime
Edgewood, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi...I just found a place that sells railroad ties...I think I will got with them, like the picture I posted yesterday...and fill it with the white marble rock also...I measured them today and for what I will need for a base for the 8x24 will run $160.00 not to bad, cheaper then treated lumber! And should last for some time.
I will post pictures of my 8x24 when I get it done...that may be some time this
Happy GHing!

Edgewood, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow...Nice GH Diana!
Last winter I had to build a make shift green house...the 6mm plastic held up, I didn't lose any of my plants, but this year I won't have as many large plants, just the plumeria. My girl friend took a few of her larger palms and that will allow me more room.
Here is a picture of the old GH
Happy GHing

Thumbnail by dudleype
Edgewood, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is one more with all the plants in it...what a mess, but it was late in the season when I got them all in and had to really shove them
Happy GHing

Thumbnail by dudleype
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Nice pics

My dh ordered me a cedar gh, should be coming any time now. I can't wait. I was going to get a rion but a couple ppl I know said it wouldn't make here where I live. They had one and the winds twisted and bent the frames up really bad. Here is a picture of the one I am getting, but the windows will be different on mine.

the pic below is thte foundation all ready and waiting for the gh to arrive :o)


Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

I was going to get a rion but a couple ppl I know said it wouldn't make here where I live. They had one and the winds twisted and bent the frames up really bad.

I can't see any winds twisting the UPVC frames. Are you sure they didn't have a metal-frame GH (such as Harbor Freight)?

I have a GH46, and before any window glazing was installed, it withstood 70+ mph straight-line winds with zero damage. My concern, considering your location, would be the single-wall, lucite panels that make up the windows of your greenhouse. Are you planning on heating it, and using it year round?

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I agree with Eggs_Zackly, I can't see winds twisting the frame. Mine also survived heavy winds. Last fall a tornado went over our house and touched down a couple miles away. We lost the top of a tree and a panel in the GH. Nothing happened to the UPVC frame. I did recover the panel in the farmer's field and popped it back in. Your cedar GH is very classy looking. Enjoy!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I don't have a Rion but I did have trouble with my panel's popping out in high winds. This spring I took them all out cleaned the panels and frame and put them back in with silicone around the panels. So far so good and I sure don't miss having to go find my panels.. or not finding my panels! lol

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Cynthia,
Just wondering if you got the greenhouse set up. We need an update and pictures.

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

I would love to see pictures as well. Also, who manufactures the GH that you will or have put up.


Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

I just started taking down the old GH this week. It was just too hot to work outside, until this week. It is just me so it will take awhile to put it together. I will show pictures after I have completed the project.

Edgewood, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Fellow GHousers,
I got my Rion last week but between a brother (that said he didn't need any stinking instructions) and my Hubby that can't read the drawings, it has taken me a couple of weeks but, we did manage to get the roof on mine. My Hubby and I got the side panels in but the very last part I needed for the doors was not in the boxes...arrrrrrr
So, I call and they will have one out this week so I can finish the instalation...all and all, I know I am going to like this 8x24' Rion GH.
Here is one picture with the roof on...will take more later! "Its getting there" :o)
Happy GHing

Thumbnail by dudleype
Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Great job! It looks so good in green. I have the white one.
I also sometimes have a little to much help. Why can't just listen to me. lol. Actually I could never have got mine together by myself.
Yours looks great!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I too am a Rion fan. Mine is a small 8 x 12 and I use it for repotting ,starting cuttings and seeds. Some of these greenhouse pictures make me feel guilty. They are so pretty and tidy. Mine is a real working greenhouse with pots, soil, etc. I too used white river stone for the floor on top of the base. If I need more humidity, I just spray the floor with water and that does it. I heat it with one heater and keep the air moving with one fan. Rion support is really good. I have had damaged parts replaced with no problem. A shade cloth is a must. I only use the automatic windows in the summer. They do not recommend using them in the winter. I am sure anyone who decides on a Rion will not be sorry.

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