Willow's Photo's

Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Haven't been around much , my Mom's been very ill since May and the doctor's still haven't figured out what's wrong, so I have been busy taking care of her. The garden is bursting with veggies and any spare time has been devoted to freezing veggies, watering and trying to keep up with it all.

So I decided today I would do a walk about with my camera and share some photos, maybe some dahlia's you haven't see.

Here we go

This one is Joe K, a miniature

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Curly cue from Pooch

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Here's Jomanda, a really nice ball

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Keith H, waterlily

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Magic Moments

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Pinelands Princess

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Brookside Snowball

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Kelvin Floodlight, the first dahlia I ever grew a zillon years ago

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

My Love from Al

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Robin Hood

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Azuma Kagami , a new for me and I'm liking it

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Brenda K also a miniature

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

an old favorite, Cornel

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Dauntless , a real favorite with me! How's your's doing Al?

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Ken's Flame, waterlily

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Mr. Brett

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Islander with a few JP chews

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Jewell Huston, around 10" across

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

KKK Katie

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Paul Z

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Polventon Supreme

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Rural Dirk

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Little Nettie from Pooch

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Blackberry Ripple

Thumbnail by willow22552
Bath, NY(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by willow22552
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Willow, your pictures are amazing. The Joe K. in your first picture is so bright red - gorgeous! Thank you for taking the time to share. Hope the doctors get to the bottom of your mom's illness soon.


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Nadine - I didn't think you were around a zillion years ago, but I'll take your word for it.LOL
My Dauntless is almost open and it looks great - thank you.
You know I've had Ken's Flame on my list every year and never got it - yours looks GREAT.
They all look nice Jewell Huston does catch my eye.
I am wishing the best for your mother.

Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks Joanne and Al.

Al, I feel like a zillion plus 1 lately, lol! If you woulds like a tuber of each and I have them, I will certainly save one for you. Ken's flame has got to be my favorite of my newbies. I'm hoping it is a good producer of tubers, fingers crossed!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

You could put me on the list for those - thanks.
How is the white garden? I took a pic at work the other day of a hibiscus - Blue River II that would be great.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Hey Willow, sorry to hear about your Mom and hope they can find a fix for what ails her.
Thanks for posting your parade of pretties- lots of new reds- ooooh and ahhhhh! Ken's Flame and Azuma Kagami look intriguing. Your Joe K here is only about 3 inches tall and I'm not optimistic it will grow, but plenty of reds to fill in.

Hope you get some time to enjoy your lovely flowers.

West Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hope the docs help your mother, Willow!

What a tour de force of blooms! I like the Pinelands one the best, IMO all the Pinelands dahlias are excellent. Did you do extensive disbudding on Jewel Houston to get it that large BTW?

Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Annie I have 3 plants of Azuma Kagami so there should be some extra tubers. It's about 3 inches across and make a great flower for arrangements and just a wonderful bright red. It's so different with the broad petals around the outside with the tight ball type center. Great one to sell to the florist.

Todgor, I usually pinch once when the plants are about 8-12 inches. Jewell Huston isn't a big tuber maker but plenty for home growers. I think that is why you don't see it for sale in catalogs.

Thanks everyone for your concerns about my Mom. At this point, the doctors think it is a stone in her bile duct. She is 85 and has a pacemaker so no MRI, so it has been a slow process trying to find out what is wrong. Now here Doctor had a heart attack so we are waiting........


West Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6b)

Willow, I did like 14 liver flushes to get stones out, of course the docs won't advocate them; Couldn't believe all the stuff that can clog the liver/gall bladder/ducts. A good dose of Epsom salts can relax the bile ducts, combined with a good fat source (olive oil) and grapefruit juice, and the stones are pushed out. I also take Gold Coin Grass, its a Chinese herb to break up stones.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Willow, Parents aging is just the pits, isn't it?...I hope they figure out what's wrong with your mom and can get her fixed up soon.

Keith H and Ken's Flame, those flowers sure are nice! You got a lot of color on that Keith H, too. Alway love Kasasgi. All three would look really pretty planted together -- baby, get your sunglasses on! LOL.

Sending prayers your way,

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

It's the pits when anyone you know and love is ill, but when your doctor has a heart attack, that really gets your attention. I hope you take him or her flowers. And I'd like to apply for a Azuma Kagami tuber, if available in 08. And Ken's Flame! and... and.... LOL (This from a person who was just cursing the hose the other day and trying to keep up with disbudding the emerging throng of buds, swearing I can't grow dahlias in quantity anymore. But then I see these photos, and it's all over.)

My best thoughts for Mom and her MD.

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