Credit Card Scam

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi, I just want to give a "heads-up" to people . . . last night DH and I found a $99.99 charge on a credit card - a charge for Privacy Guard. Neither of us ordered this "service" and immediately cancelled our credit card assuming it was some sort of Identity theft.

Anyway, turns out that when we first entered the country and got US credit cards at the bank, the bank had us sign up for a "Free" three month credit rating service. We signed so many documents that day (mortgage applications, etc.) who knew what we signed. But we got and American bank account, credit card, debit card etc.

Now it turns out we have been paying $99.99 each year since the summer of 2003 for a service we never asked for, nor received any documentation that the service was still applicable - no invoices etc.

The attorny generals of 16 states went to court with this company (TRILEGIANT) - and if you have been affected, you have until Oct. 8, 2007 to write and be compensated.

So - the first web-site is to the Attorney General of Washington State - because it lists all of the "services" people may have deceptively charged for - and there are LOTS! (look under the heading "Trilegiant)

The second is a press release on the multi-dollar settlement in Dec. 2006

And the third is the Attorny General's press release in Maine, the fourth from Conneticut. You might want to copy this information and email it to people you know.

States that participated in the law suit include California, Alaska, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Vermont. Ohio and Louisiana sued Trilegiant only

This message was edited Jul 31, 2007 1:20 PM

This message was edited Jul 31, 2007 1:22 PM

Thumbnail by Seandor
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

No shortage of crooks out there. Sorry to hear about your experience.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, we are not exactly destitute - but for many people a sudden hit of $100 sends them to the food bank. I just want as many people as possible to know that at least for those living in the 16 states involved in the law suit there is a remedy - not for us in Massachussetts, alas.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Yeah, there are an ever increasing number of ways even "legitimate" companies try to get automatic withdrawals from your credit card. I find they often don't give a phone number or email address so its harder to figure out how to cancel. Nasty.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Good heads up, Seander. Bummer! But good info for people to get some recourse.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Your welcome . . . though I would rather such notices were totally unnecessary. It never ceases to amaze me how basic ethical behaviour can be tossed out the window when profit enters the picture.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Yeah....I agree! But I have a theory that gardeners are the least likely category of people to do things like that. So....we'll just have to surround ourselves with gardening types!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)


(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Donnie, What a nice thought! I like it!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Don't you find that to be true, pschw2? I'm sure of it! Seeing the generosity of the DG members in sharing so many things, whether seeds or plants or knowledge or just kind encouragement, makes my theory plausible!

Stewartsville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Thanks for your headsup on this subject.

Back in 2000 in Johnasburg, S. Africa, a guy had regged an ATM machine and got my card. I was stupid enough to allow him to help me get the card in the machine, where he was looking over my shoulder to see the pin code. I got my money and when I went to reach and take the atm card, he put his finger on it and the machine captured the card. I was even more stupid to enter my pin code, as he said the card would be given back if I did that. I left to use a telephone and after several calls, I was switched to my bank (Fidelity now Wachovia) in North Carolina. They confirmed my previous ATM withdrwal and then said 2 more came through for $350 each, done minutes before. Fidelity stopped the card immediately, however, they DID NOT shut down the VISA side of the ATM card. This guy continued to use the card while I was traveling and the total tab was about $4800. I found theis out when I walked into my bank about December 15th. The funds were returned after 3 days, however, the mortgage auto payments bounced and was put on my crdit report, which took almost 1 year to get removed.

Evidently this guy had rigged the machine to retrieve the card by inserting pastic of some type to block the machine. Or he was working with the secruity guard.

I always try to review charges done to my card(s) every month or sooner on-line. I have found this same type of recurring monthly charges, especially if you agreed to view some typr of program, which I never do anymore!

I just use a Capital One Master CArd and my AMEX card, that's it no more cards in my wallet.

Thanks for the subject

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Just a note to people the "Freecredit Report" that is promoted with those clever ads on tv (featuring the same 4 lads) are NOT free. You must enroll in Triple Advantage which will charge your credit card each month (see start of this thread).

Apparently, you really can get a free credit report once a year. I believe you can just google
"annual credit report"

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes - this is the site authorized by the Fed government that compels the big three agencies to provide one free one each year.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Victor ^_^

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You're welcome.

Last week I got a phone call. The woman was bla, bla, bla so you want a credit card that your PRE APPROVED ON? I said OK.

She went through a speil and a message came on that said now its going to be recoreded for bla bla.......

You want a preappoved credit card? - Yep
You live at, your telephone number is - Yes.
Are you employed? - No
Your still eligible what is your mothers maiden name. - I am not supposed to give that out. Yes you can it wont go any place but here. - OH Cool! Whats your mothers maiden name? - COOL. How do you spell that? - Cool

Another question and then, What is your Social Security Number? - You dont give out your SS# over the phone YOU @#&%$ - I am a Government worker - CLICK

I have not got one of those kind of calls since last week so far :-)

Dont give out mother maiden name and NEVER NEVER
Social Security Number unless your doing it in writing in a reputable institution.

Long but true story

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the reminder, schickenlady!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I got hooked into Free Credit Report too and they raided my card. If I hadn't chcked the balance a few days after the transaction I would have just paid the bill.
When I called my card to deny the charge I asked how they could have gotten my number because I withdrew the entry information befor I got to that part of the transaction. I was told ,if they have your address and phone number they can find your card.
There are scammers in Nigeria an Bulgaria who have software that does nothing but run numbers until they get a hit. They are in and out fast.
My sister had two $1500.00 withdrawels on a card she only used for a book business. Thats when she found out about Bulgaria and Nigeria and the software.

I am not but I am a goverment emp. I WAS FEMA. I have nothing from the government except I worked for a short while during the hurricanes.

Am I a gov emp? Yes and No. I have nothing except I did work for them.
Can I again? Yes but I have to call once a month and get my name back on top of the list to be called.
Do I want to? NO - If I did what I had to do and got a phone call. I would have to be ready to leave my home in 2 hours, packed, money and what ever I needed. Then I would be going "some where" I would have to live in a hotel or a place for at least 8 weeks -by myself. I did not enjoy my last visit with them. Try living in a hotel/motel for 12 weeks - alone and dont really know anyone.

I will drink beer and pull weeds for free before I do that again!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Where can I sign my MIL up??

For helping people with hurricanes, floods and other disasters start with your State Citizens Corp.

For pulling weeds? Victors house.

Houston, TX

I've had several people try this one on me. It's usually targetted at small business owners - you know, people that sell the results of their hobbies and the like:

Got an e-mail that someone wanted one of the robes I make for his daughter who was sick in hospital. Sent mail that I would be happy to send the robe to her, once his check cleared.

Received a check via UPS for $1500. The original purchase was for $120. Also received a mail that he had accidentally sent a check for the wrong amount, so I should just go ahead and deposit the check and wire him the difference.

Read the check VERY carefully, and saw the clause that the person that signs for deposit is responsible for all funds. Oh, really? Called the business that was listed on the check - went straight to voicemail. I did not leave a message. Instead I called the bank that the check was supposed to have been drawn on and lo and behold: Yes, someone was running a scam. Gee. I. Am. So. Surprised.

After talking with the nice lady at the bank I agreed to help them out in the prosecution (yay!), and did so. Notes to all you DG'ers that sell seeds and stuff:

- Double and triple check with the originating bank on checks and on money orders.
- If they send you the check for more than the purchase amount, it's a scam. Pure and simple.

What bugged me about this is that it preys on the small business owner that is stretching every single penny, and gets them in the "You mean I finally made a big sale?" button. It also makes the person who receives it incredibly wary of the person that may actually be just telling a bit about a hard bit of luck.

And I am mentioning it because I just got an e-mail from a guy who has a daughter with MS, who has a birthday coming up, who would love a robe, and...

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow! So many scams out there. I had a friend who almost fell for a scam, too. It was for doing mystery shopping for a company. They called him on the phone, and he decided to sign up. He promptly got a check in the mail for about $5,000 with a list of 'assignments'. $250 would be for his salary, $50 for spending at K-mart, so much for JC Penny, etc. for other stores. Also he would have to get 2 different wire transfers of money for $2,000 or so. I thought it sounded too good to be true, personally. He went to the bank to cash it, and fortunately for him they recognized it as fraud. He called the bank it was written on, and they also confirmed it was fraud. It's a good thing he never cashed it!


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