just testing

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I havent been able to post photos so I'm just seeing if I can post text.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Well, it's been pretty quiet here lately and wondered if something was amiss :-)

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

hehe, you're right louisa!

what's the prob mark? my b/f is really good with comps, he may be able to help.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Lilith - where have all the flowers gone??? Everybody taking their holidays right now I suppose. I know Alan is OK, but how about the rest of you! Trina, how is your little girl? Oops! Is that thunder I hear! Good job, we need the rain to cool us down. Another day over the 90 mark and it's getting tiresome now.

Trina is ok too, i was talking with her tonight, she had a bit of trouble getting in here tonight.

its been cool here today, 70*c at best with a odd little shower, its now 2.10am and its cold.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan - another late night for you I see....hmm!! The rains came and the temps have dropped 20 degrees. Great stuff!! The plants have all perked up now, feared the worst. My hydrangeas have suffered a little. Too much sun and we know how they love shady conditions. The flower heads are really bleached. Wish I could plant a hedge to shield them and one which would grow 8 feet tall overnight...lol!!

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hi Louisa, little one is fine, but she is missing her daddy badly and has been playing up something cronic. Peace will be restored tomorrow when he returns.
How are you settling into the new house? Have you got any plans for the garden yet? or have you already started it?
I really want to move. I would quite happily accept a smaller house, as long as the garden was bigger than the one we have at the moment. But the hubby needs a bit of convincing.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Trina - It must be tough for both of you when DH is away. How do you keep yourself occupied - in the garden I suppose and looking after little one!! We have more or less settled in but had visitors almost immediately so the rest of the unpacking was left to a later date. That later date has come and gone...lol!! Still have not completed the job but it can wait till the winter. We have two decent beds dug and planted at the front of the house and two other makeshift ones just to get the other plants into the ground. Later, when it cools down, we will do the hard landscaping, especially the terrace at the back of the house. But doing quite well and thanks for asking. I suppose you will move again won't you? I'm sure one day you will have a huge garden!! I can see the family of Canadian geese walking up our driveway :-) They like to take a short cut from one lake to the other. DH shoos them away, but they poop a lot and I'm thinking maybe it's good for the lawn!! Anyway, I love to see them !

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