Question between flower look-alikes...

(Zone 4a)

Okay I have black-eyed susans...are they a perennial? Secondly I have seen several different types that look similar but have been blooming like a month earlier? Are there different plants that look like black-eyed Susans that bloom earlier? What about the purple coneflower? I have noticed the same thing....some have been blooming for a while but yet look a bit different than mine. TIA

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

So many questions.LOL Yes and no and maybe.

You wouldn't happen to have photo examples do you? There are Rudbeckia hirtas and fulgidas that bloom at somewhat different times. The purple coneflowers will have a little variance in blooming times - not too much though.
Does that help?

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

But they are all perennials.

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