July 30th, 2007: Golden Dew Drop 'Sapphire Showers' (Duranta erecta) by butterfl

The Bloom of the Day for July 30th, 2007 was Golden Dew Drop 'Sapphire Showers' (Duranta erecta).

View the bloom of the day here: http://davesgarden.com/bloom.php?date=2007-07-30

london England, United Kingdom

lovely vibrant colour

taree, Australia

I am in australia, New south wales, and have a beautiful duranta tree. It is very robust and easily propogated from a large branch stuck in the ground.
Although i havent had any seedlings come up i understand it wont be long before it is put on the noxious weeds list because of seeds being dropped on the forest by birds.

Thumbnail by picketty
taree, Australia

PS it doesnt bloom all year here and we are sub tropical. See we call her geisha girl. the Golden Dew drops refers to those seeds which are allegedly a problem. I havent seen any birds remotely attracted to these seeds.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for that info, I would love to have one of those.

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