Looking for "Duncan's Smiling Eyes"

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)


My wonderful, loveable, twelve-year-old, British Blue cat, Duncan, had complete renal failure two weeks ago. We've gotten some kidney function back but realize they could stop working again anytime.

I'd like an iris as a marker when the time comes, and "Duncan's Smiling Eyes" is the only one I've found named "Duncan."

I have several hundred iris and am sure we'd find something you'd like in exchange.


Thumbnail by NeilTR
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Neil, I'm so sorry to hear about Duncan. I've lost three to renal failure now, though one lived for 4 yrs after diagnosis. I hope your vet explained that there is much you can do to help support Duncan's remaining kidney function and keep him as healthy as possible for as long as possible. If you'd like more information, just d-mail me privately or come on over to the Pet's Forum here at DG and post any questions there.

If you can't find someone to trade you a piece of Duncan's Smiling Eyes, try emailing Larry Lauer and see if he still has it in stock. It's not an old cultivar, so I would think he still grows it.


Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I'm so sorry that Duncan is going through this. I don't have that iris, but if nobody has one for trade, they have it here http://www.mid-americagarden.com/iris_details.aspx?=0&irisLetter=d&irisType=tall%20bearded

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Joan and Laurie-

Yes, I've become well acquainted with the vet and his entire staff.....

I'm trying every food combination to interest him in food, even making some recipes I found on the net. The vet is showing me how to hydrate him at home tomorrow to give his veins a rest from the IVs. His levels pretty much remain at the top or off the charts after two weeks.

He's alert and playful, just so y'all don't think I'm prolonging the inevitable. When it's time to say goodby, I will.


Northeast, IL(Zone 5b)

No iris help here, but I've been in the same boat with kitty renal failure, Neil. Our brown tabby, Banjo, had a good year of frequent subcutaneous fluid injections at home which he didn't mind at all. We used to hang a pouch of IV fluid from the refrigerator door handle, attach a clean needle to the IV tubing, and give him 100 cc of normal saline or lactated Ringer's (it's been a while, don't recall all the details) at a time. He looked like a furry hunchback until the fluid absorbed. It absorbs pretty quickly and doesn't seem to cause any pain.

I'm glad that Duncan is still perky and normal, and with your TLC he will be for a long time yet.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)


I really wish I had it to send to you, but when I was finalizing my order with Superstition, I noticed they had it for 4.00.

Best wishes to you and your Duncan.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks everyone for the messages and dmails. It's encouraging to hear from other people who have gone through this and learned what worked for them.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry, to hear about Duncan. If I had it I would mail it to you! He looks almost like my Ivy. My kids came up with that name after a movie LOL. I hope he has many more days ahead with you. Pets can be so special.

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Seems like you can get it here:


and here:


This message was edited Jul 31, 2007 11:53 AM

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

BTW, I forgot to say Duncan is a beautiful kitty. :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I just saw it at Iris Sisters Farm for $10. It is very pretty:) Your Duncan is beautiful.

We used some of my mom's old iris as a marker for our 18 yr old Chihuahua, Poncho, when he passed away. He loved to lay in the middle of my mom's iris bed when he went out sunning in the yard so we thought that's where he'd love it best. His old lady Missy, destroyed every attempt of my mom's to grow peonies by laying on them when they sprouted so she was marked with a peony bush.

Best wishes=)

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, everyone. Duncan is holding his own....some good days, some not so good. I'm giving him fluids subQ and hope that wards off any more IVs.

I've got a piece of Duncan's Smiling Eyes coming.


Crossville, TN

Neil....I am keeping you and Duncan in my prayers...my dog died with renal failure..years ago....she is buried under a nice big white azalea....Jo

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

My dog, Spirit, is also suffering from renal failure. We do the sub-cutaneous water every other day. We feed him immediately afterward. He has gotten to the point where he looks forward to his water injection because dinner will soon follow. He has gained 4 pounds since April. He is still very old and has a few other old age problems, but he enjoys life ( except for the thunder storms we have been having) and looks like he may be around for a while yet. I know he is very old and his kidneys will eventually totally fail, but in the meanwhile, we enjoy him.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Awww, glad you found 'Duncan's Smiling Eyes' Hope you have many more wonderful years with your baby. Hugs to all you other fur-baby lovers.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, everyone.

Pajaritomt, I like your idea of a treat after the subQ treatment. Duncan has resigned himself to them, but a treat afterward is nice. He went completely off eating this week and I figured he had made up his mind he had had enough. Then I started him on baby food (ground turkey) for a few days and by yesterday he ate almost a can of chicken with gravy. This morning he woke me up at 5 am to be fed. He won't touch the vet's food at the moment, but I do mix in some of it into what he'll eat.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

That prescription kidney food smells vile. We are lucky will eat absolutely anything with gusto. Before this disease came along he was overweight.

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

Malevil has Duncan's smiling eyes on sale at 1/2 price

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