latifolias, new hoyas, addictive personalities.........

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

I ordered my first aff. latifolia back in 2004 from Carol, and it was awesome!! I was still pretty new to was my first mail order, and from the time I opened that box, I was hooked!!

Someone said on one of these threads that hoyas are more addictive than crack (dmichael was that you?) - it is just sooo true.

I got another box of hoyas today, and another aff. latifolia. I don't think I even care what the flowers look like on these hoyas, they would have to just be a bonus.

Here is my first aff. latifolia, IML 1410 - purchased from Carol in 2004. It took 11 months to put out new growth. Then last October, a friend was visiting with a tantruming toddler, and said infant grabbed my latifolia in a fit of toddler rage, and pulled the whole plant down off of its stand. I had 3 feet of broken vine. All of the pieces rooted well, and now, after almost another 9 months are putting out new growth of their own. I had to ask them to leave - said I had to clean up the mess. Really I needed to BREATH, utilize all of my self control skills, experience an ADULT tantrum in private, and then have a really stiff drink!!

Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Here is the latifolia that is said to be "the" true latifolia. It is IML 0088. The leaves are still pretty small, as they came this past spring as cuttings from David Liddle. It is the middle hoya in the turquoise pot.

I don't think it is as exciting as the "aff" latifolias. I really like the venation on the others. But, I really am not complaining.


Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Here are the latifolias that I received from Carol today!! I am hoping this order will hold me over until the cuttings come........I am not counting on it, but here's to hope!

I ordered two of this aff. latifolia IML 1590. My friend who went in on the order commented on the fact that I really didn't need two. When she came to pick up her hoyas, she ended up leaving with one of my aff. latifolias. Again because "I really didn't need two", and she was helping me save money for future orders!! HA!!

Carol sends hoyas to us, the way some parents buy toys for children.......We ordered ONE Hoya montana (how could we live in Montana, collect hoyas, and not own this one?) yet, Carol sent two!! HA!

I still just love the leaves on this one!

This message was edited Jul 27, 2007 7:06 AM

Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Here are the H. montanas. One even has buds!! I think that the leaves are more impressive than I thought they were in pictures that I have seen.

When we order hoyas, the deal is, whoever opens the box, the other person get to pick if there are duplicates! My mom did that with my sister and I when we were growing up - one cuts, the other chooses! HA! Of course since Carol has my address on file, they always come to my house. We might have to start alternating.

Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Finally, here are the imperialises. They are the white flowered ones, that we both have been coveting for a while. Ahhhhh, the satisfaction of acquisition! Wonderful hoyas Carol, thank you!


Thumbnail by green971
Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

Ahhhhh, yes. Another little hoya piggy who is unable to contain her love of Carol's hoyas (I am so very glad to not be alone!!!). By the way, Sara ... not only are your hoyas absolutely BEAUTIFUL, but your displays with the pretty pots just really brings out the beauty of those plants. Good Job!
Now, it is time for me to break out my order form ...and go after those Hawaiian Hoyas!

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

I love pots and trellises almost as much as I love the hoyas that grow in them. Thanks Ann!! When I grow the hoyas literally from wall to wall, I still want them to look nice.

My dad is absolutely appalled whenever he comes to visit!! He is a minimalist, very into the Mission/Arts and Crafts style of home, and believes that plants are great, as long as they are OUTSIDE. HA! He feels the same way about animals too. He always seems to come at the end of summer, when I don't have the watering switch over to cooler temps, and tend to get fungus gnats. I remember one flying around his head, and he said " I just knew these dogs had fleas". HA - fleas don't fly, they jump, but I didn't think it would help to tell him that the plants have bugs, not the dogs! He is the one who always seems to get the cat hair in his plate too.


Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Here are some pictures of my wall to wall hoyas. Sorry if they are dark, and I am boring everyone - there is a major sleep - over event going on, and I can't go to bed until everyone else does. 10 year old boys, and 8 year old girls.........Hmmmmmm.

Here is my dining room. Awesome hoya growing space, as there are two huge windows, south and west exposure.

Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

working my way around, here is the west exposure:

Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Kitchen window, also west light:

Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Here is the living room:

Thumbnail by green971
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

More of the same....last one, I promise. I probably have a book somewhere that I could read. Ha! I am usually in bed before 10:00. The alarm is really going to come early tomorrow. Yikes.

Thanks for letting me play.

Thumbnail by green971
Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Sara - bit of insomnia going on here, too.....I LOVE your pictures, and your hoyas. And the pots they're in - guess I just really like your whole set up!!
Was relieved to hear that someone else was a Hawaiian hoya piggy - I got these in the mail today - they're cuttings, and they fill the bathtub! Always healthy and beautiful from Carol!

Hope you survive your sleepover!!


Thumbnail by kabob
New Caney, TX

Green971, Looks like you are hooked and what great plants. You have them displayed real pretty. I must have my husby make me some trellisis. Or at least bring me home the rod to make my own. I like the style.

Wow what nice cuttings. Wish I couyld order a few myself.


Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Holy Cow Karen!!! It looks like Carol sent you the jungle. Brilliant selection of hoyas you have there. What cuttings did you get? Either you have tons, or they are super long, or both?!! LOL!

Seriously though....Please tell us which ones you got - maybe lay them out, take a close up...HA! Just kidding, kind of. It is almost impossible to tell from the picture what hoya cuttings you have there. I love seeing the cuttings up close and personal, as it really helps to have a picture to go with some of these names.......

Thanks for asking, yes, I did survive the sleep over. When I made everyone finally turn in, I had to snap a little to get the boys to be quiet. Then there was about an hour of "sniffing". I kept checking, even turned on the light, but no one was crying. Then I would walk out, and hear this loud sniffing again, and I am almost positive that I heard little giggles (not from the girls). I am sure that they were messing with me! Oh well. If that is the worst that they got...........



This message was edited Jul 27, 2007 5:44 AM

Silex, MO(Zone 5b)

Wow Sara- all of your hoyas look great!!! You're cracking me up too about your dad coming to visit and freaking out over all the hoyas and always getting the cat hair on his plate lol!! My hoyas are all still outside right now but dh is going to have a FIT when they all have to move back inside (plus my two big hibiscus standards and other various plants lol.) :)

Great set up Sara! I'm going to mark this thread as "Ideas Central" for displaying my hoyas! I especially like the wrought iron unit you have in your kitchen.


Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Christine, this one is for you. Thank you for your kind comments. I like the wrought iron look too, and these 3-teir stands were a Sam's Club steal!! I waited 6 months for them to clearance these out with their out of season stuff, and by the time they did, there were only 4 left, marked down to $34.96. Now I kind of wish I had bought them all, and stored them until needed.


This message was edited Jul 27, 2007 9:23 AM

Thumbnail by green971

Wow!! You've certainly got the touch for our favourite addiction! Sam's Club, eh? They have them up here, and I have a friend who's a member .... shopping time!!!

Thanks Sara!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sara...beautiful display of hoyas!!! So healthy in such a cool place to grow!!!

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Awwwwww Carol, I know what your hoyas look like, thank you for the compliment! Were you able to spot at least 55 - 60 of your babies? I'll give you a couple of hints: fuscomarginata in the center of dining room, kunming kina and cv. noelle in kitchen, latifolias.......Most of the hoyas on the book shelf. I could go on, and on, and on.



Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Sara....LOVE your hoyas, your display of them, and the pots! I also like the wrought iron shelving units. You have a great sense of style. But I have to say...what I like MOST about looking at your pics was knowing that someone has more plants around their living space than me!! Doesn't it just make you feel better knowing you're not the "only one"? And I can keep this post as a reference if I get any complaints about my plants taking up too much room :)

Karen, got yourself a whole bunch of cuttings there! They look really healthy too...congrats on your newly acquired hoyas!!

Thanks for sharing guys :)


Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Come on, Gabi, Karen, Carol, Ann (you just moved, show us what you are doing with all of your plants). I love looking a pictures, and seeing what everyone else is doing too. Christine, you are farther north than me, where do you grow your hoyas? Indoors, in and out? I am too lazy, and too paranoid to move mine outside, the growing season is way too short here, and I HATE battling pests.

Oh, btw Karen, I noticed on another thread that you mentioned spider mites. My odorata had some, and I talked to our county extension agent, and he recommended placing the plant in a sealed bag for about 4-8 hours after spraying, so that no air movement gets to the mites, for higher chances of success. I haven't seen a recurrence since I tried that method.

HA! Gabi, anything to help out a fellow hoya grower. Honestly as long as no vines grab my hubby, I am good to go. He gave up complaining about my stuff years ago - likes having things done for him wayyyy to much. If he complains, or gripes about stuff, his sandwiches seem to not get made, his beer not bought.......Just kidding. After so long, we just learned it is easier to "put up", than complain.

Apparently, I am still bored......daycare kids all on vacation, and God knows I couldn't possibly motivate myself to clean anything.......


Sara, I'm with you. The growing season is to short, I don't have anyplace sheltered enough, and I hate dealing with insects. They're all in the house. However, we're redecorating our house to sell it next spring, and so I have been forced to minimize and contain. My version of minimizing was to get rid of nearly every plant-that isn't a hoya (only about 40-boy do I have happy friends!). My version of containing, was to get shelving units to display the plants. After seeing your set up, I'll be replacing the IKEA units that are barely standing up under the I've always loved wrought iron.


Medford, NJ

Check out the elephant arch-row-thingy over the fireplace- is that made of ivory? I also like the elephant painting - and the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys. I have them.

Oh, and nice hoyas too! Your windows look alot like mine, only they are probably brighter, even with the awnings.

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

Sara, I don't think anyone can outdo you on the stylin' hoyas of the house, but I'll take some pictures soon and post them - you are the inspiration!

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Oh good Ann, I like pictures!!

Jen, the elephant arch is ivory, but OLD ivory. It was made in the early 1800's prior to the political correctness of ivory purchasing. I have loved elephants since I was really young! I would fore go all treats and toys at the circus just to ride the elephant, and then have dreams about having one for a pet for weeks after!

The monkeys are powdered bone that was ground and mold pressed, not new either. I do a lot of antique mall shopping, estate sales etc.

In fact, the large carnosa in the corner was an estate sale buy. $10.00. It didn't look like it does now, and I waged a two year war with mealies, but it is well over 100 years old, so it garners respect in my house! The lady who died was 89, and it was her mother's prior.......

My hoyas are the result of sheer, unadulterated, boredom!! I work from home, and often find myself wasting HOURS just turning, re-arranging, and placing hoyas. Now that my kids are older, I am seriously considering changing my employment status!!


Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

I will take some pics when I get home too. I also LOVE looking at pics to see how other "hoya-holics" keep their hoyas!

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Sara - thanks for the tip on dealing with spider mits - I'll try that!!

I, too, love looking at where everyone plays plants - just to get ideas and see what everyone is doing! So, here's a few of where I keep my hoyas....
First, I keep them all inside during the winter, however, only a few stay inside during spring, summer and early fall. Here's a few that stay inside....


Thumbnail by kabob
Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

We're building on a screened-in porch this summer - the hoyas really seem to like it out there - lots of air movement!

Thumbnail by kabob
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Oh Karen, do you have bay windows? I love bay windows!! I like how you have your hoyas placed and spaced between each one. Your screened in porch is also decadent!! I can see myself there drinking my coffee, with my morning paper............. Thanks for showing your spaces. I would love to see how you place everything in the winter too.

Let me know how the mite treatment works for you. The man said that it isn't the treatments that are ineffective, but that with air mvmt, they don't seem to completely suffocate. In the bag, tied shut, any mites that didn't get coated will still suffocate after a period of time with out the air. Seemed to make sense to me. I haven't seen any back yet......(yikes - I said it out loud, that is usually akin to Murphy's law for me).


Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Love that porch Karen! Well, here are *some* pics from me of some of my "hoya areas".
This first one is my balcony (taken from an inside window)

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

Here's the greenhouse - which was empty,but, with help from several of you, I am rebuilding my "addiction...."

Thumbnail by kabob
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Some hanging plants on my balcony...

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's a pic of the "entertainment center" part of my living room, and you can see some spread out plants. This is an older pic, so it looks slightly different now. By the way, I live in a ONE bedroom I don't have much room for plants unfortunately :(

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

What that "corner section" looks like now...

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Lacunosa hanging on the kitchen cabinets..

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

My little shelving unit that I got for free. A ponytail palm on top and H. kerrii on the middle shelf..

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

A cherrywood (or mahogony?) shelf/table that I bought for my bedroom plants. I figured I'd at least match my furniture if I was going to put THAT many plants in my bedroom!

Thumbnail by Gabro14
Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

Hanging hoyas in bedroom..

Thumbnail by Gabro14

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