Donate your unwanted gardening books/magazines/newsletters?

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm co-planning an event at the UC Berkeley Botanical Garden that happens on 9/23/07.

I'd love to have a swap table where people can leave their unwanted gardening books/magazines/plant society newsletters and pick up others. I'm donating my own unwanted books and mags to this but I would like to collect more so that there will be plenty of goodies for some of the lower income attendees and kids who are just beginning at gardening.

I can pick up in Berkeley and the towns surrounding Berkeley. The larger the load, the farther I am willing to drive to pick it up. For those who live farther away than I can drive, I can pay shipping and handling for you to send the donations via US Media Mail.

This event, Cross-Pollination, is for garden clubs, plant societies, and organizations that use gardening to improve people's lives and environment to meet with gardeners and prospective gardeners of all ages, races, and classes. It's to help folks find out about groups they may not have known existed and its for those groups to spread their message so they can swell their ranks of members and volunteers. I'm working very hard to make this event inclusive, informative, entertaining and a great success for all.


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