This is bloming from seed....

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi, everyone, I shared some of these seedlings at the Ga. RU. Is anyone else seeing blooms yet? Here is my beautiful Double Purple Datura.....

Thumbnail by JanetS
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Another pic...

Thumbnail by JanetS
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by JanetS
Thomson, GA

That is AMAZING! Wow.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Those are huge and beautiful!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks! I am getting ready to go out and see if more blooms opened...they are just so pretty!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Janet, how tall is your Datura plant? I winter sowed one from seed too but the blooms have not been as big as yours.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

This one is much taller than the rest of my seeded ones. I planted the yellow, white, purple, doubles and singles, and either it loves this location or is just one of the larger ones. It is about thirty inches tall. I am keeping an eye on some of the others, but no blossoms yet. Hoping to have a yellow. I am getting ready to start some seeds for the RU. Not sure what to plant. Maybe some petunias, hibiscus, cone flowers, what are you all planting? I love the colorful and LARGE Zinnias too....I want more of those every year! What else is really tall and showy in the Fall?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

OOh!!! those are beautiful.I must have miss out on that at the RU.That color combination is awsom.Will have to get a few seeds.Mike

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Start making a list Mike, when you have several I will mail them I am sure I have some more of these seed somewhere, but I will save some from this plant just for you! I just planted several different hibiscus seeds to get growing for the RU in October...I hope they will be large enough then to share. I have a few others to plant as well, I think I have maybe six or seven different I hope they grow well!

I can start some Datura as well, I keep mine over the Winter on my porch and it comes back every year, so that is an option too.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you have a sun porch, I'm goina ask santa, DW refuses for me to take that on as a prodject.I promised I'd use new lumber, instead of used, and she didn't think I could resist using something I found along the road.(I colect road treasures).It is my desire to have an inside area, that I can keep plants.Thank you for considering seeds for me from that beauty.Mike

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

No I do not have a Sun Porch I have a front Here is a picture of my home last Winter. You can see the porch goes all the way across the front of the house. I love to sit out there and enjoy the evening and early morning hours. I have lots of plants that have homes out there as well, and a small green house on one side, that I root things in during the year. I would love to have a screened porch too..or a sun porch....but not with this house I am afraid, and my DH is NOT handy like that

Thumbnail by JanetS
Rincon, GA(Zone 8b)


That is beautiful..... How big are those blooms? ....... and how long does it bloom?
I am new to gardening and do not know anything about this plant.......except that I wish I could grow something like that..
I am going to check into the RU. I would love to attend.
Thanks for sharing,

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

They are quite large..I will have to should have more opening today or maybe tomorrow. I haven't checked it today...but I will take pictures if I have blooms and I will measure for you. I hope it will come back next year...I have some white ones that return each year, but this is the first year for this we will see. Okay new blooms opened, and is just under six inches long...

Thumbnail by JanetS
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay, got back out and made sure the lens wasn't

Thumbnail by JanetS
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I also grew this morning glory from seeds, two different ones in the same pot...they have been

Thumbnail by JanetS
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Janice, do plan to come to the RU on Sat. Oct. 27th!

Hope to see lots of Georgia gardeners there!


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Goregous morning glories! The vine doesn't grab your leg as you walk by? LOL

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, it does! LOL Sorry, I didn't answer the question on blooming time...I don't I know it took it about 90 days from seed to flower, but not sure how long it will continue to bloom...look on the Datura thread, and I am sure you will learn a lot more than I know!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Janet, you are quite the gardener, I am very impressed.Keep it growing.Mike

Rincon, GA(Zone 8b)

Those blooms (all) are awesome. I love the water drops. ;) That Datura is so unusual... I would love to be able to grow some of these beauties one day. You will have to share your secrets... Thanks for measuring your blooms, they looked big.... sometimes you cannot tell the size by a picture. I found that out by ordering plants from booklets, having not seen the plant before.. Some have turned out a lot smaller than it looked. lol :) Thanks for the info.

I looked at the dates for the Ru, we will be away camping in North Georgia :( I guess I will not be able to make it this time. I have never been to any type of gardening event. I am just getting into this wonderful hobby.
I have read some posts, and am trying to figure out what all goes on at a RU. It sounds like fun.... Do people bring cuttings, rootings, newly potted plants and seeds that they have to trade and sell? or just trade? Do they set up tables? or booths?


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Camping sounds like fun too. We're going to miss you though. There will be another one in the spring I'm sure. You've got the right notion of how a round-up works. The Host sets the trading guide lines. For instance, the Spring RU Host let us post plants on the forum before the ru for a pre-ru list of trades and giveaways. At the ru, we just sat out the plants on the ground from the back of our cars. We held it in Jonesboro at the Methodist Church parking lot and their shady grass area. New gardeners won't be empty handed for most people bring plenty of plants. Basically, we swap, give away and/or trade plants, talk, socialize, talk some more, LOL, eat, have door prizes, sometimes a speaker, talk some more then go home. Just a group of gardeners sharing what they enjoy.


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Janice, my secret is this: Take some seed, put them in a pot of dirt, keep them watered and don't let them dry out and watch them I am not a babier of plants. My thoughts are that the seed fall onto the ground and a lot of them grow where they land without our they don't need babied to make I do soak the Morning Glory seeds overnight and then plant those! I just throw seeds everywhere and see what

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Janet those are really pretty pictures.

Cordele, GA

Janet, I, too, just throw seed every where. Not such good luck this year, though. It just did not rain enough. This year I scattered patches of Cosmos, Balsam, and three colors of Zinnia. Some of each came up, but I am certain that I lost some to the drought.

A few of my Formosa lily seedlings are in bloom this year. Even the older Formosas have suffered this year. Plants that usually put on a good show have only one or two blooms on them. Lilies just don't like it dry.


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Beth, can you post a picture of your Formosa lilies? I have some I believe I seeded on my porch and they came in this year, I think they are Formosa I got seed from someone a couple of years ago and these bloomed on my porch in a pot...trumpets type white lilies, very pretty!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Today's bloom, I just love this plant...I should have lots of seed pods I am ready to share with everyone that is interested when they are harvested!

Thumbnail by JanetS
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by JanetS
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Last one today...

Thumbnail by JanetS
Cordele, GA

that sounds right, Janet. They get better each year. The foliage is dark green and narrow. The blooms are white with a long trumpet shape and lightly fragrant. They RESENT drought, but other than that I have found them to be easy to grow and care for. They are sai to bloom the first year from seed. I usually see blooms in the second year.


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

That is what I had heard too...the first year, but I believe this is the second year for mine too...and they are in a pot on the porch, so they get watered pretty frequently.

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