Gossip column plants

Northeast Harbor, ME

Okay, in another thread, I compared plant profiles in one magazine to plant profiles in another. One I likened to a gossip column which prompted the question of which plant would be the Paris Hilton of the plant world.

Now, I think that's a kinda fun question. I can hardy wait for Rosa 'Paris Hilton' to hit the market.

What celebrities or historical figures would you associate with a particular plant? Many's the hybridizer who'd like to know.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Gee . . . I just name my plants after fantasy characters like Harry Potter and Galadriel. I wonder which plants I would name after DG members? What rascally plant would I name "Victor"? What outrageous plant would I call Carrie? What silly plant would I name after me . . . the possibility is endless

Maybe we bet stick with celebrities - wouldn't want a DG member who thinks he/shes a world class hybrid tea rose be called a noxious weed! :-)


Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Well there could be
Daisy 'Mae'
Lily 'Marlene'
Veronica 'Lake'
Clarkia 'Kent'
Viola 'Stradivarius'
'Al Unser' Speedwell
Sweet William 'Shakespeare'
Berry 'Goldwater'
'Orson' Bean
'Mister' Rodgersia
'Milt' Romneya
'Red' Bachelor Buttons
Physalis 'Diller'
Pansy 'Yokum'
or in a stretch
Hosta 'Ed Sullivan'

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

DonShirer - you are either brilliant - or you have too much time on your hands . . . probably brilliant :-) lol

I was thinking about what Victor said on another thread . . . about the usefulness of an individual declining with each degree, so that those with 3 degrees were 27 times less useful than the average person.

Applying this logic to myself as a plant - well, let's think of all the uses of plants - can provide shade, great colour, appealing aroma, provide food, great foliage, can act in symbiotic relationships with other plants to aid in their germination or general thriving, can have great folliage, provides shelter for birds and animals, provides oxygen for all of us, removes carbon from the atmosphere, a source of healing, provides occupations for people (gardeners, botanists, etc.), prevents erosion . . .

So some truly terrific plants can meet the majority of uses. But what low-life plant is 27 times less useful than the AVERAGE plant? Now I educate young adults, so if I am 27 times less useful than the AVERAGE person - how useless are most celebrities (people known for being known)? And what plant is 27 times less useful than the average plant? A shasta daisy strikes me as about as average as it gets. So a plant that is 27 times less useful must be some low-life scum in a dirty ditch - and the celebrity must be a cyano-bacteria that doesn't even generate oxygen :-) lol

Northeast Harbor, ME

Scathing, absolutely scathing, Seandor.

I hope that you write liberal political commentary too. I'm sure it'd be fun to read.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I am from British Columbia - which means I am soooo far to the left it doesn't even register in the US :-)

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Burning 'Bush"

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Oh, YankeeCat ~ waaaaaayyy too funny!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Don started it! :)>

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Cleome Paris Hilton (because it's so promiscuous)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

It would be an outrage to have a rose named after someone like Paris Hilton.
Don, How do you come up with that stuff?
I need some time to think of celebrity and their flower mates.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I think Don writes the questions on Jeopardy!

Northeast Harbor, ME

I think the Paris Hilton rose would most certainly be a hybrid tea given the over wrought floral presentation on top of a spindly, disease ridden stem. I know it's our national flower but........

(Zone 4a)

Who is Don...isn't it Alex on Jeapordy and he is from where I am - yay!!! The little town of Sudbury has a well known figure......ok I will shut up now! Eeeks!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Alex, is just the host he doesn't write the questions.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Doesn't Sudbury also have a giant nickle?

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

On Jeopardy's show, the ANSWERS are written.
(A risible gimmick with which I'm not smitten.)
But I'm willing to try (if they make me an offer),
I don't question the ways that I fill up my coffer.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Ah . . . we have a poet amongst us . . . .

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Don is prolific (and terrific)

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