The best book about fertilizer & ph

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I have long looked for a book that told what kind of fertilizer a plant needs and how often. I would also like to see one that shows optimum ph for plants. Most books tell about the plant's habits and occaisionally if it's a heavy feeder, but not any specifics.
My father-in-law once had the prettiest sweet potato plants you ever saw. He was proud of them until a neighbor came by and said, "I see you put plenty of sody on them (soda of nitrogen)." My father-in-law smiled and nodded. "Well, you got purty plants but your sweet taters are gonna look like pencils." The lesson being that sweet potatoes do not like a lot of nitrogen.
I am trying to avoid this problem. It has taken me 3 years to realize what heavy feeders brugs are. Finally this year, it looks like I'm going to get bloom now, instead in October, just before frost.
Does anyone know of a book or any place I can find charts of fertilizer needs and ph requirements plant by plant?

Kalamazoo, MI

Look in Plant Files :)

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I do. It does address the ph but not fertilizer.

Harvard, IL(Zone 5a)

Ball Publishing has a number of books on a variety of growing topics. Go to the Ball Bookshelf at

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