Poor Little Girl

Marlton, NJ

She hit the sliding glass door. We picked her up and stroked her gently for a while then set her on this planter. She was breathing and blinking but not much else. She's a House Finch.2 Pics

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

I left her there for a little while then went out to put something more comfortable under her and she grabbed onto my finger with her foot and perched. I set her back down on the planter. I think thats a safflower seed in her mouth. You can see a little blood at the back of her lower beak. Its been about an hour now.
I hope she makes it.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Water would be a help, and maybe some really soft food, like some soaked or even cooked oatmeal, in case there's a fractured jawbone.


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Poor baby... I wonder why this time of year soo many lil birds fly into the windows?? I have them do that here, too...
I wonder if the sun's reflection makes them think it's a secret passage way?
They used to fly into the patio door at the old house but they could see my birdies inside so that really didn't surprise me much???

Hope she recovers.


Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I wonder why this time of year soo many lil birds fly into the windows??

Inexperienced youngsters. This one is a young bird, going by the very fresh plumage at a time when adults are moulting and a bit tatty-looking.


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Yep, you're probable right Resin, I know my baby pet birds collide into all sort of things till they get their bearings...
I seem to have wayward adult male cardinals crashing into the back window this year....he is a very slow learner..:)


Marlton, NJ

Good News! She has flown off! Thank Goodness, that makes me feel better.

Thanks guys!

Marlton, NJ

I put some new Window Alert stickers on the sliders, hopefully they will help like they have on the windows.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Oh, I'm so glad your little finch make it Pell! I hate it when these window hits happen. I really enjoyed your close up photos though. And how fortunate for this little finch that you took such good care of it! way to go

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Resin, I appreciate the info on the inexperienced youngsters hitting the windows - I too have had a number of them do so and, sadly, a few casualties.

Pelle, it's like a gift when they make it , don't you think???!!!

Marlton, NJ

yes it is. I think my DH was even a little happy.

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