Canadian Canna growers .. question ??

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hi ..

Well .. I am patiently waiting on my Cannas to bloom .. it seems I have foliage like mad .. but the flowers are to timid to peek out.

These Cannas are from (established) bulbs. Planted in early June .. watered faithfully and fertilized as well. I am thinking that perhaps the cool nights here in Northern Ontario (40 t0 48F at night) may be the problem ?
I have them in full sun.

Any suggestions ? I am getting antsie as I have my garden entered in a contest :-)


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Sometimes you just have to wait for the roots to establish themselves. I am in TX and don't realy expect to much until the second year. That's when I start to get the picture book blooms. Some of the cannas that I bought in last year( large roots ) didn't flower at all, and I am now just looking at getting the first blooms on them.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks so much Rita .. it sure is disappointing to say the least ..
The bulbs I have are older .. but I tend to think we planted them just a tad too late .. so now we have to wait it out .. in fact .. I am guessing that the flowers will be red .. the could very well be yellow as well .. HEY .. or BOTH :-)


West Bend, WI(Zone 5b)

try starting them inside next year. i start mine in march and they start blooming around early july and go till i cut them down and dig them up for winter

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Marilynne your flower bed is lovely! Look at that nice black dirt!!! I have clay and rocks in my yard... I had dirt hauled in when I redid my landscaping in front. Most goes in containers and I did use some cotton boll mulch to amend the area my hostas are in. Maybe I'll start mine inside next year-Thx Mr.Eli

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hi :-)

MrEli i do believe you have hit the nail on the head with the timing factor .. I waited too long .. ahhhh well .. I do have ONE 'just about' bloom coming out ..

Aunt B .. the soil here tends to be clay (ish) when the garden was made in June we hauled in screened topsoil .. triple mix .. used it in all the gardens and BOING .. everything looks awesome :-) best Petunias/Salvia/Impatiens I have ever had ..


NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Okay, I'm not so envious! Thanks for letting me know, I was thinking of moving there for the dirt! (lol)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LOL .. well .. if you can handle the heat we have right now .. COME ON UP :-)

Mind you .. in 'pockets' of the countryside here .. there IS actually fields and fields of dirt like that !!

GOOD NEWS .. the Cannas are 95% ready to POP .. WOOO HOOOO .. pics to come I am sure :-)


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Okay .. we have BLOOMS .. but .. since my Cannas are 'hand me downs' does anyone know the name of this particular one ??

Posting 2 pics ..



Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Picture # 2 :-)


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hiya ..

I guess no one wants to take a stab at the name of my Canna ??

At any rate .. all 20 have now bloomed and I am so very pleased with them as are the Hummingbirds :-)

The Rudbeckia I have in with them did very well too ..

This will likely be one of the last pics of the 2007 garden .. the temp this morning at 6am was 42F !!!!!!!!


The quality is not as good as I had hoped as I used my camera phone .. I did take 2 others with a digital so maybe after I download them I will repost.

Thumbnail by MarilynneS

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