What is wrong with my iris?

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Only Autumn Embers seems to look like this, and it doesn't look good to me. Please tell me that it's just the hot, dry weather and not something horrid. I got this iris through one of the co-ops a year ago.

Thumbnail by marie_
West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Here is a closeup of the problem.

Thumbnail by marie_
Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

It looks like leaf miner damage to me. Trim the damaged parts of the leaves away and spray your irises and other plants in the vacinity with an insecticide/fungicide. Do you have mulch in the area where this damage is occurring? If so, you may also want to apply a granular insecticide as well.

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks. This area is not mulched and there are dozens of other iris in it's immediate vacinity. I will trim and spray right away.

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