Which roses would you suggest?

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

I have a rose question for you all, particularly the eastern mass people. Last year black spot wasn't too bad around here but the usual suspects got it a little, this year some of them are looking really awful. Since this seems to be a hard year for black spot I thought this is the time to see what other people have experienced. What are your cleanest roses this year? I do not spray so would like roses that can cope better than most for themselves. In my yard all the new ones are clean but that can be misleading sometimes so I will not count them.
Of the established roses clean so far are: floribunda 'Sisters at Heart', 'Wildeve' ,'James Galway' , 'Molineux', 'The Mayflower', 'Benjamin Britten'.
Small amount of bs: 'Scepter 'd Isle','Sophy's Rose'

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

I don't have any roses at the moment but perhaps my all time favorite is Don Juan.
It was one of the most fragant roses I had. The petals felt like velvet and had a deep red color.
I don't know about black spot, but nothing ever seemed to bother this climbing rose.
Hope thats helps.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Chuck, sounds like a good one to put on the list.

Deering, NH(Zone 4b)

My rugosas (un-named that were planted 15 years ago) never get BS. Helen Hayes and Night Owl have not gotten it either this year (1st year but have been in ground since spring). I also got Moondance about a month ago and it hasn't shown any BS.

The suprise is that Knock Out has gotten a little BS, although not so much as others.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

This is good to know, I should add 'Scarborough Fair' to the list of clean roses. It is a semi double and I would bet there is some rugosa in its past. I have been waiting for some reports on 'Moondance', glad to hear yours is doing well. You are not the first one to report that 'Knockout' can be infected just like any other rose no matter what the hype is, although it is much more resistant than most. Here is 'Scarborough Fair'.

Thumbnail by ngam
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I would back up the rugosas. I have a little on my bonicas (which are usually very trouble-free). I'll check again on my others.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I can suggest:
Compassion, Aloha, Pat Austin, Therese Bugnet (rugosa), Honorine de Brabant (sp?).
I'll have to go take another look at the garden... I know there are a lot more.
I've found that the older the roses get, the more they can resist a little spotting. my curse at the moment is japanese beetles!

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