phone books?

Orange Park, FL

Does anyone know, offhand, if the pages of last year's phone book might be OK to layer or add to my beds?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think its basically newsprint paper. Maybe hard for the bugs to get in unless you shred it though.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I collect and use the shredder paper from my job as a bedding layer. Actually, I'm finding the confetti cut would work better than the 1" strips. The strips make a sort of "Mat" which gets in the way when I try to turn the pile. I have to be careful not to dig too deep, or it snags on my fork. The confetti cut would provide a layer that could be totall picked up in the turning. I move the entire pile first, and then redo the bedding layer and put everything back in. I also collect used coffee grinds from work at a rate of one 5-gallon bucket per week. I make a trench down the center of my compost pile and chuck in my veggie/table scraps and the coffee grinds. The earthworms have set up a deluxe, penthouse, all-inclusive condominium in that compost pile! They LOVE the coffee grinds. I started with a few scrawny worms, and now I have a whole community of the biggest, fattest, healthiest worms a fish every laid eyes on!

Now. How to keep my fisherman husband out of my compost pile....

Orange Park, FL

Thank you, ladies.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Gymgirl give him a few. One of these days I am going to get the guts from my neighbor when he fished and bury them in the compost pile. I read one time someone actually puts them through the blender first. thank you. I would rather have critters dig in my pile and stir it up so maybe I don't have to.

Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

I fish a lot - to the point I've got a campground-type fish cleaning table built in my side yard. It has running water, a sink, a chute, plug-ins for electric knives, overhead lights, the works.

Unfortunately, I had to quit composting fish parts. I wish I could, but burying fish in the pile attracts animals that dig it up and drag stinky fish pieces all over the yard - raccoons and neighborhood dogs, mostly. Even worse, using finished compost with fish in it caused nighttime animals to dig my garden up.

I had a lot of damage from that.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Strike those remarks from my post and fish guts from my compost.

Thank you before I Made a terrible mistake. My gag reflex works great just on imagination and my nose can smell my doxie after she rolled in it.

I see why they blend it.But not for me. I will stick with a little store bought fish emulsion and I I have a 135 gallon tank and I place the filters in plant pots. my 22 inch fresh water shark fills them really fast.

But that is all my plants need.

Thank you. I would have had a terrible mess.


Sandy ^8^

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