Question on our Nepenthes

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Our Nep appears to be healthy,Nice leaf color Long steams,my question is should we trim the length of them? The pitchers are getting smaller and smaller,We noticed that the ones from earlier in the year where of average size,but the ones on the longer steams and on the new shoots are very small and are dying back rather quickly,Another question if I trim up the length can or will this cutting root? How?
Thank you for your time.Pheadra

Thumbnail by georgiagarden3

I don't know all that much about them but....... I've been babysitting my mothers plant for the last few weeks while she went out of the country and I've gotten the pitchers to get larger. I've been spritzing it with water about 2 or 3 times a day. So maybe the humidity isn't quite high enough on yours. I don't know the answers to your other questions. I've never tried to root one. Do a search on this forum, I'm pretty sure their is a thread with detailed information on how to root them.
Good luck

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you for your help,I have tried going through some of the threads,and searching web wide but all I seem to find is what not to do!LOL

I found this thread on rooting the cuttings.

Now, I don't know if you should cut the long limbs off or not. I saw one thread where someones were climbing. My mothers are hanging like yours are. I just got through putting crickets in all the pitchers to see if that helps it grow some larger ones. Here's a couple photos I just took a couple minutes ago.

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This is the largest pitcher. It's much bigger than the ones it had when I got it from her. When she first bought it the pitchers were three times this size.

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Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you for the thread link,Our pitchers are smaller than that,and earlier this year they where fairly large,Maybe the length of your hand,But we will keep trying.....

Greensburg, PA

Phaedra, I only have experience with one Napenthe, but from the pics, it looks like mine could be the same as yours. I routinely cut mine back during the winter and plant the cuttings in 100% spagnum peat, sometimes the greener sphagnum moss type. I've had best success with 6-8 inches of vine in the peat and 4-8" out of the peat. I give them away to people. One of the vendors of napenthes that I follow says that you can fertilize on a very limited basis by spraying with a 1/4 (extra weak) strength of soluable orchid food, but spay only a few times, separated by several weeks. This is supposed to help develop the pitchers. I have done this with my plant a few times without problems and did see some grow improvements.

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