Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, everyone.

I have joined a web site called Panoramio a few days ago. That web site allows you to upload your pictures so friends can go check them out. Also, when you are showing a definite place or landmark in your picture, you may map it for inclusion in Google Earth's new version.

When you use Google Earth and look for Honolulu, it will show you the map but the new version will have blue dots that you can click to see the pictures that have been submitted by users like me. For example, I have uploaded and mapped the Aloha tower in Honolulu.

Please feel free to go see my pictures at:

Feedback is very welcome.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Have already looked at your pictures and am enamored with you and Hawaii. I want to go there but do not want to be a part of the "touristas". Any advice to avoid such a trip?


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

You're enamored with me? I'm blushing. Thank you. I wasn't expecting that much.

We went on an 11-day cruise (Honolulu, Hilo, Maui, Kauai, Fanning Island, Kona and back to Honolulu) on Norwegian Cruise Line's Norwegian Wind. Everywhere we went, we rented a car or hired a cab and stayed away from most tourist traps and the excursions available on board. We stayed an extra week in Honolulu and left no square foot of Oahu unexplored. Renting a car, exploring and doing your own thing is the best way to go. We came back with almost 2000 digital pictures, which have all been fine-tuned with PhotoShop.

I would return to Hawai'i in a flash but there are already 2 cruises booked and we agreed not to book anything else until we return from the first cruise in September.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a) is all soooo beautiful! Looks like you had a wonderful trip! DH and I have always wanted to go on a cruise, but have just never done it. How did you like Fanning island? Kiribati has a special place in my heart from a trip 20 years ago. And I LOVE Kaui! My favorite HI island!
Was going to make a comment, but would have had to sign up, and didn't want to do that. So, I'll comment here! Great job!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Shari. Fanning island was special for me. I thoroughly enjoyed my day there. The people are friendly. One feels so safe there. Plus, our dining room waitress was from Fanning Island. She wanted to take us home to meet her family but we decided against it. This was the ship's last trip to Fanning Island. Being transferred to the Norwegian Dream until the end of her contract, she wouldn't see her family for quite a long while and we didn't want to interfere. We would have been welcomed with open arms, I am certain.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Most definately! When I visited there - not Fanning, but Tarawa - a friend and I were just walking down the street after interviewing a wonderful little man who had been the traslator for the Allies during the battle of Kiribati. A priest came running after us - robe pulled up around his boney knees, all out of breath, pleading with us to come back with him to a wedding. It is considered good luck to have strangers at your wedding. We were flattered, and of course went with him. It was in a huge thatched hut. The wedding up at one end, and the feast laid out at the other end....including two whole pigs, complete with pineapple in mouth. My friend took one look and fainted dead away! Guess she had never been to a pig roast! Well, she revived, we joined the wedding revelers and were instantly adopted into both families! Had a wonderful time. And that was just one of our many adventures on Kiribati! It hurts my heart that the country is now suffering through a terrible crime surge. Have you ever read The Sex Lives of Cannibals? It is about Kiribati...not cannibals, and not much about their sex lives, but an interesting read....

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Lovely pictures Sylvain! Thanks for sharing them with us all!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for sharing your pictures and the link to the google earth. I really like their new pictures addition. It lets you really get a feeling for the places shown when you see it through the eyes of a visitors camera.

Wow....those pictures were in Ozz it is so cold at the warmed me up a beauty!....Loved it all... but the Imperial Broms and the wonderful Jade vine just stole my heart away (sigh).......what little rippers! (the best of the best) good on you and thanks for sharing your happiness! chrissy ;)

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Chrissy, funny you should remark on those 2 specif pictures. I have seen botanical gardens on 3 continents and never have I happened upon an imperial bromeliad or a jade fine in bloom. Now that I have returned home and consulted with other gardeners, it turns out the jade vine grows in this area. I had never seen it in bloom. As for the imperial bromeliad, noone's seen it here.


I think the Broms are very rare and the jade vine can only be a fantasy for me....I know Florida to be you might be able to Flower it....I was going to try ...but at $120.00 the time I was all set up- the Nursey had burn't out in bushfires....probably just as well- as if it had died it would have broken my heart......from what I had gathered it requires very warm ...very humid dappled shade and protection from wind if you can replicate that you may be able to realize what can only be a dream for most....good luck...and happy hunting :)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Boy - if we could get more folks to post their tropical visits this could turn into a travel forum! Wouldn't THAT be fun!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I posted a few pictures from Key West (Florida) and Cozumel (Mexico) on that site today. Friday, I'll that our January cruise to see what I can post.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Waaay cool!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11) of our monthly chores is taking the machete to the Jade Vine!!!! Cripes it grows!!!!

The pacific islands are unique...lours...glad you got to taste it!!!


I saw the jade vine in bloom at Fairchild last year. It's in the long curved arbor by the entrance.
I received a rooted plant from AlohaHoya a while ago and so far it's hangin' in there...

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Carol, I was so sorry our plans to go see you didn't pan out. The car was reserved, the intention was there, the ship was on time but one doesn't always get to do whatever he wants when traveling with another couple. I was so looking forward to go meet you and see your place. We ended up at Hawai'i Tropical Botanical Gardens (beautiful place) and Mauna Loa's macademia plantation. Our friends were too shy to go and see someone they didn't know: bummer.

I will return to the Hawai'i. Your place is still on my to-do list. Missing you was one of the many disappointments we experienced on that cruise. Although we have cruised with our friends many times, I don't think we'll cruise with them again. Actually, what I think we'll do is stay a few days on Hawai'i and see the volcanoes, the telescopes, the island itself. One day just isn't enough. It gives you a reason to return and stay a while.


This message was edited Jul 21, 2007 10:34 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I too am planning to visit Carol! Hopefully this fall. So what I'm wondering is - does your Jade Vine bloom Carol?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sylvian...the welcome mat is always out!!!

Shari...yes, both Jade Vines (the Green/Blue and the Red) both bloom....but in the summer. This fall might be late. I am going to start to take cuttings of both!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Carol, what can I say? Be afraid, be very afraid.

The hawaiian islands have enchanted us so much that we are talking about embarking on a double cruise next April. It's cheaper than staying an a high-falutin' hotel in Honolulu and we just love cruising. We might as well cruise for 2 weeks; it's the same plane trip.

Not going to see you was a big disappointment. C'est la vie. You're still on my list of peole to see when we get there. Just because my plan didn't pan out the first time, you may get 2 visits from us a week apart next year. Gail and I were thinking of crossing the Atlantic and visiting a few ports of call in April but Hawai'i is so much nicer than Europe. In the mean time, I sing along with Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. My hawai'ian is improving every day.

Take care.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Don't you just LOVE Brother Iz (or WAZ as the case may be). His Ika Wela (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) just sends goose bumps!!!! and I usually cry!!!!

But when you cruise, you don't have TIME!!!! to explore, do you? You should come to the Big Island...stay in a cool little B&B and explore the island...SO diverse from cattle ranches (where cowboy arts originated) to deserts to LIVE volcanos, to white beaches to lava flows to botanical gardens


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

The one that sends goose bumps up my arms is "You are the wind beneath my winds", which I have discovered on his recently released commemorative CD. Also, there is E Ala E and this YouTube clip:

When we cruise, you're only in one place for one day, sometimes two. That gives you a good reason to return again and again. We saw the canyon on Kauai, we saw sugarcane fields and beaches on Maui, we saw Hilo and Kona on TBIOH. Because we stayed 5 days in Honolulu, we saw the whole island. IIf we stayed ashore for a while, we'd probably settle on TBIOH so I can go see you, the telescopes, the volcanoes, the lava fields, etc. We saw Papaikou's botanical garden and Mauna Loa's macademia plantation. We enjoyed that tremendously.

There is a kenyan custom that when you leave a beloved place, you kiss the 4 inside walls, thereby ensuring your return. I did that in our hotel room in Honolulu.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sylvain...after crying watching that clip...all I can say is "mahalo nui loa aloha oe' That IS Hawaii!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I love IZ when I am in the mood for island music. Sometimes I need mainland music just to stave off island around to some Bruce Springsteen or chill out with Dave musical taste is very eclectic to say the least.

Spent two weeks exploring all the wonders of Kauai, and could have spent many more! So beautiful!! That was a while back, so time to visit again soon. But this trip will be a short one..few days in Hono, couple on TBI....

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

COOL Shari....send me a DMAIL with the dates.... You WILL stay here, of course!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ahhh sweetie! How nice of you to offer! But regardless, we WILL be getting together...don't know yet if it will be before Thanksgiving or on the way back....

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

If the first clip made you cry, get yourself a roll of paper towels before clicking on that link.

Listen and check out what is going on a bit after the 2nd half of the film. Let me know. I still get choked up when I see it. What a way to go.

I include a picture of myself, holding my T-shirt in the wind at Waimea Canyon (Kauai). So many japanese tourists took pictures of me in those few minutes, I am sure it is posted somewhere else on the internet.


Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sylvain, I have this song on a CD, but I want to watch the clip....unfortunately my connection is so slow, that I only get a second or so every couple of minutes....I'm hoping that once the whole thing downloads, I'll be able to watch it. One of my favorites, but I had never 'seen' him do it.... Love your pic!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sheri...I have DSL and the same thing happens to me. On one of the CDs I have of IZ he talks about dying and why his organs are being smothered by his is really sad. He led a very troubled and anguished youth...and died a beautiful and beloved man!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh I know. I can't think of anyone who so represented the islands. And such a profoundly beautiful spirit. Absolutely the best music to listen to when you are angry or frustrated...can't help but think of all the wonderful reasons not to be...hope I said that right, sometimes I have a hard time expressing myself. Wish we all had his ability to bring peace and love and joy to those around us....truly would be a wonderful world then, huh?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh gosh.....I ....pass the kleenex..... But so many people celebrating his life instead of mourning his wonderful, how sad, how just like his music.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

My wife has strict instructions to have my body cremated as soon as it is legal to do so; no viewing, no flowers, burn me and life goes on. Afterwards, she must book a cruise with our cruising friends. It has to be at least 10 days long. At midnight on the fourth day, the three of them are to make their way to the aft of ship, break open the urn and drop the ashes and the urn in the ship's wake. Should they not carry out these simple instructions, I shall return to haunt them for the next 13 generations.

Carol, we just saw on CNN that a hurricane is on its way to Hawai'i. Are you busy hunkering down? Best of luck with all that.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yes, Carol...are you guys in the path? I'm hoping Flossie just brings you guys rain, the winds are so devastating! Any up dates?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Here is the link..

Have taken down all hanging plants, and we are putting up the last 'tie downs' on the house. Good chance we will get winds. Hope you don't get any of it, least we are at 900' you guys are alot flatter, no?


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

i started a thread this morning concerning this storm Flossie...guess i acted too quick as this thread is well informed...good luck island folk

This message was edited Aug 12, 2007 9:35 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Most storms start out here, so we don't get much, but we had real strong winds the other day,....that's what I had asked Jenny about. Flat as a pancake here...Mt. Olympus - our highest point is about 30 ft. Ha Ha. And it's manmade. But we have a good strong sea-wall. Been through many a gale, with only minimum damage. Knocking on wood as I type.

John! So nice to see that you haven't completely abandoned all of your DG friends! I am heading over to check our your new post.

Carol dear, keep safe, and take care! We are all pulling for ya! You too Jenny!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

When the 'storm' hits us, it will hit us first with SSW winds...then W winds then they should turn to the NE then E.... Our native trees grow in very shallow 'soil' (maybe 3-4" unless they are trees we have planted which are in Bobcat dug holes). These native trees have a strong root structure bracing them against Trade Winds...however...their root systems for other winds are sorely lacking. In the last WSW Wind Storm we lost 14 trees...simply fell over, root systems and all.

We hate to think what a strong wind will do!!!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Planting trees in just a few inches of soil was so alien to me when I moved to Florida from Montreal (Canada). There, the trees sent down thick roots very deep into the ground. That anchored them well. A toppled tree was a rarity up there.

Then there's Florida where the roots hit coral or marl in a matter of inches. When the winds blow, they just flip over, roots and all like you describe. Now if you ask me, that's just plain weird. The tree will topple with all its branches intact; weird, I tell you. Also, Florida is also flat as a pancake except for some mountain in the northern section that towers to 300 feet or so. Having lived all their lives at 4 to 8 feet above sea level, I am told people in that area don't take tourists up there because they're afraid of nose bleeds and oxygen deprivation. LOL.

In our news, we heard last night that a storm is brewing off the coast of western Africa and may be making its way here. So far this year, we've had 1 tropical storm that never even came close to shore and no hurricanes at all. We'll just have to follow up on that storm, I guess. All our hurricane supplies have been replenished, save for water. I may swing by the dollar store on my way back tonight and purchase 25 gallons, just to be safe.

Be safe, Carol. We'll follow the storms' patterns and hope for the best.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Praying the storm winds will miss all of you.

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