Deflating balloon flower

Glens Falls, NY

My established 4 foot tall, profusely flowering balloon flower is dying stem by stem. The leaves and buds on a stem will droop, then shrivel. When the stem is gently tugged, it just pulls away from the root. It looks rotted at the end. The plant is in the path of the lawn sprinkler and gets 20 minutes of spray, 3 times a week. It is in a morning sun spot in rich soil.
Anyone have any ideas about what's killing it?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I suspect the roots are rotting from too much water. It may be too late to recover, but you might try cutting back on the water. Check drainage too.
Just noticed the date on this post. They are probably all dead by now. Next year, if you grow them again, you might try out my solution. Sorry about that....

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure how I missed this post when you first made it, sorry! Too much water would be my guess as well, many garden plants don't appreciate the amount of water that a lawn needs. If you had really well draining sandy soil they might be OK with that amount of water, but my guess is that the soil never really has time to dry out in between waterings. Honestly that amount of watering may be a bit much for the lawn too unless it was recently planted, even out here where we probably have a bit warmer temperatures, no summer rain, and no humidity people don't typically water their lawns quite that often, and I would imagine you'd need less than we would out here to keep a lawn green. Could be wrong though, but definitely I think the problem with the balloon flower was too much water, that sounds exactly like the symptoms of overwatering.

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