Journal template?

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

Kindest Dave,

I was wondering if there was some kind of journal template available. I've been trying to organize my journal into topics and subheadings that might be practical and I thought there might be something like it out there all ready. For example: a table of contents page that lists different topic areas and then somehow corralate that to dates or seasons. I'm pretty new to everything and when I journal I keep rearranging and adding topics and wishing I'd added this or that five monthes ago to keep track of things I'm just now realizing I wish i'd written down. Topics like Observations of Color combinations at a given time bloom, weather paterns, sun/shade exposure records, when seeds where started and thier outcomes. Something that would make it easy to reference without having to wade through paragraphes. Maybe this is asking to much but this website is already so amazing I thought I might just ask.
Ps. Also maybe a way to keep and list of plants that one has grown and notes on how it went. Maybe we could click on something in plant files to add it to our list in our journal (could it be alphabetical?) and be able to add our experiences we've had with it. Just some ideas.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Are you talking about the journal or about the diary? I know in real life the function that the DG diary performs is something that many people might call a journal, but here on DG there is a "journal" which is basically a way to keep track of the lists of plants you grow which is what you're asking for at the end of your message (and there's already a function in place to import plants from Plant Files). And then there's a "diary" for keeping track of anything else. If you've been using the diary I think it does the things you ask for, you can make tabs in the diary for anything you'd like, and when you go into your diary all the tabs show up in a list that looks like a table of contents. If you want the titles of those tabs to correlate to dates or seasons, all you need to do is put that in the name of the tab (but within each tab, the entries are sorted by date, you can choose newest to oldest or oldest to newest). A lot of people use the diary in different ways, I think that's why Dave left it very open and flexible rather than making it automatically organize things in a certain way--how you want your diary to be is probably very different than how someone else would want theirs. If you want some ideas of how other people organize their diaries or journals, you can click on someone's username and if they have theirs publicly viewable you'll see a link to look at it, or when you go the journals tab you'll see links to look at other people's diaries and journals.

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the help ecrane3. I'm still getting familiar with the journal and diary fuctions. That's awsome that there is a link from plant files to the journal-- just what I was needing. Do you have any recomendations for particular journals to look at that might be sort of like what I'm looking for? I'll keep browsing though : ) WE

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I only know what's in mine! LOL I'd recommend just browsing, unless there's someone who's posts you've been following in the forums and you think that theirs might be good to look at, but since everyone organizes theirs differently there's really no way to find a "good" one without browsing around.

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