Show us your frost!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

We just had our first frost in 5 years! I hope everything is going to be O.K, as I've never worried about putting in frost tender plants before. It was only a light one, and we only copped it on the open grass by the look of it. The nieghbours got it alot worse, but they don't have the tree cover like we do.
If anyone has pics of theres, give us a look. I may feel happier about ours, if yours is worse! LOL
Pic is of nieghbours house

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

In the last 2 days we've had really big frosts,down to minus 5.I walk around my garden and not only do I see it but I can smell it too!!We've had plenty of light frosts down to minus 2 or so with very little damage up until this.All my cannas are a bright shade of brown,the brugmansias are looking really sad and limp..will post some pics when I can.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Heliotrope...was looking quite nice up until this frost

Thumbnail by brical1

Yes minus five here too (sorry no photo) but freezing cold and white every where!....not too much damage because my garden is overcrowded (which has some advantages as there is almost a green house effect).....but they said there is more to I guess we will be keeping our fingers crossed.....sorry about your Angels brical....but I think it will all come back after the frosts have gone....they say that if the frost is bad we should water before the sun comes onto the frosted plant their dreams!...We would have had to get someone to have thawed us out too!...I might throw a garbage bag over my treasured blood red frangipani just in case. Well keep warm :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Wow Brical1, It must be devastating to see things going pear shaped after getting through the drought and water restrictions. What's all this about global warming then Hey? It hasn't started here then yet, obviously! LOL.
I think you are right Chrissy100. Tree/foliage cover definitely offers some protection. I've heard it recommended to leave all pruning till all threat of frost is passed, so that the foliage you would have pruned off will protect the foliage you wish to keep. I'm afraid I get impatient and hack away at things the moment they start to look passed their best.
I haven't checked everywhere yet, but think everything here is undamaged. I don't really have anything too valuable or rare, but the loss of any plant is always a matter for grief in my world!
Lets hope the meteorologists are wrong for once! LOL
Pic is my back yard yesterday. (Pretty mild I know, but the first in 5 years none the less)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Bendigo, Australia

can you wait till the morning? we have just got the cover on the polyhouse and yesterday was frantically tracking back and forth with succulents to beat the next frost. fortunately so far they have been light and only a few things badly damaged but we do get frost every winter so Im getting better at placing them in the correct area before the frosts come. today we had hail and some places close by had snow. I'll post up our next frost We are in for a cold night and a very cold day tomorrow. we are in Bendigo, Central Victoria. I feel for you guys in Brisbane and Coffs .
Cheers, and stay warm!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

You feel for us!!! Geez louise it must be a lot colder where you are! Ohhhhh, I get it, you're being sarcastic! LOL
I'm glad you're going to post a picture, that's what I really want to see!
My neighbours came from Bendigo. Crothers is their name. Do you know them gardenfor grace? LOL
come on Y'all, post some pics!!!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Pic of the frost at Mums in Lithgow. July 2007

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

and another

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

oh well, I thought it was a good idea at the time!

Bendigo, Australia

here's the pic I thought I'd posted! view is from the lounge window early. the plants are the rose we transplanted and the bed in front has the tulips. in the backgound the bare area is where the wattle trees were removed and since then the stumps have been removed and mondo grass planted along a new pathway. Lois

Thumbnail by garden4grace
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks for the pic Lois. I was just starting to think things were warming up, up this way. How about you? I know our winters are fairly short and I guess yours would be a bit longer. I'd love to see a pic of your garden when the Tulips are out. We can't grow them very well here!

Bendigo, Australia

Hi there, well the tulips are Out! almost all a gorgeous yellow. a happy co incidence is that the bluebells also flowered and they make a lovely picture.they were in the front closest to the brick edge. Hubby took a pic, so he must have been impressed. have to get hime to load it up so i can post it here for others to see. have a mondo edged pathway happening and a couple of claret ash trees coming into leaf where the wattle trees came out. still getting the odd cold morning , no rain to speak of and a few windy days now also. Bedtime ..........better go or i'll be in the dark!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Crikey, no chance of frost here anymore! And haven't worn a jumper or jeans in well over a week! All the citrus is finishing up with the warmth and anything tall and lanky is on a lean!
I also use mondo as path edging and here am trying to grow it as a ground cover.

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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