Outside, this morning

Lawrenceville, GA

This weekend, I put out a browned banana (I can buy 30 bananas or 3 and I always seem to waste 2) for the butterflies. I have a tree stump that I put a pan on and often put scraps out for birds, et al.
This AM, I looked out and there was a hawk... I think Cooper's Hawk, on it. He didn't have a bird and of course flew away when I got to the door to take a picture. He was really pretty. Do they eat bananas or was he just hanging out there? All the banana goo was gone and there was no bird or feathers left behind.

This message was edited Jul 16, 2007 11:37 AM

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Can't think a hawk would eat a banana! More likely some visitor in the night (raccoon, etc.) or early morning (squirrel, etc).


Lawrenceville, GA

I thought he might just be perching there to survey so I was kind of scared to go look around the tree trunk after he flew away but there were no feathers, ect., to lead me to believe he'd had breakfast there! He was pretty, though, and HUGE. Not what I expected to see when I looked out this morning to see what was at the feeders.

Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

heyitsmejudy I cant believe you posted this!!! I looked out my back slider door this am around 930 and who is perched on the railing of my above ground pool...sharp-shinned hawk I could not even move! He was looking at my squirrel feeder (lunch, maybe?). Of course I am camera-less at the moment but I did run for the instant camera but no luck! He took off into the oak tree and have not seen him/her since. Too cool! :)

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Wow that is certainly interesting. I'm thinking that something like a raccoon may have enjoyed your banana too. Or maybe the hawk was a vegan hawk lol!

Lawrenceville, GA

That is strange, Grandmaggie! Perhaps they're all up to something?!?!?!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Hmmm, Judy .. heck, absolutely anything is possible ...

For that matter (on a similar note) ..
Didja know that hawks take dust baths -?-
Wellllll, they sure in tarnation do! And .. these big beautiful brutes indulge themselves quite freely, I mite add!!
(Yep, uh-huh, you got it - twernt nary a camera no where near to me!)

This, was a heavy duty 1st for me!! Being totally captivated by my actually seeing it with my own eyes - - I was NOT ABOUT to even try to slip up and out of my rocking chair, to sneak inside to fetch one either. I reckon that there's some things that're jes meant to be (or, in this case - meant not to be!) .. lol ..

Now, for whatever gosh awful reason that I'd just not ever considered that a hawk wouldn't take a hearty plunge into an all out filthy dust chunking/dirt bath - I'll never know. Dang, he is a bird afterall!

Just wanted to say (& apparently, going the long way around to it, it seems) - - that, with my seeing this .. now, jes why wouldn't/couldn't any other critter (including a hawk) wouldn't want to add some fruit to his diet also!

Besides, in just the last few months .. the ol Coot and I have witnessed quite a variety of shtuff in/with nature .. that neither of us would've ever dreamed of seeing with our own eyes.


- Magpye

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