Bees keep overrunning my feeders

Sierra Vista, AZ(Zone 8a)


I know they are claiming that the bees are disappearing, well I think they are all in my yard. They keep overrunning my oriole and hummingbird feeders. Does anyone know how to keep them away? Or is there something I can put nearby to distract them? The orioles don't like the feeder when it is full of dead bees. (Although a woodpecker did come to the feeder and eat a bunch of the sugar coated bees one day. LOL) And the bees are chasing away the hummingbirds.

I have tried removing them for a few days and moving them every couple of days, but they find them quickly.

Any suggestions?

Dion :)

Thumbnail by dionosaur
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Get a feeder that does not have the yellow on it. I switched this year and have had no bee problems at my feeders. And we have LOTS of bees around!

Marlton, NJ

After you change the feeder ports to red or get a new feeder w/out yellow ports, I would also move the location of the feeder for just a while to throw off the bees.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Spray it with pam..regular, not the butter.

Sierra Vista, AZ(Zone 8a)

nanny_56 - The Oriole feeder is orange, with no yellow on it, so do they like yellow and orange? I'll look for one without yellow and give it a try.

betterbloom - I am going to try that on Oriole feeder, that thing is even worse than the hb feeder, because they can climb in the holes and by noon it has tons of them floating in it. I'll report back if it helps.


Dion :)

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Dion, I not really sure about the oriole feeder! I would try moving it, as pelletory suggested. I have never had one of those myself. Good Luck!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I've tried moving my feeders before and the bees found it within hours. The Pam does work. I spent months trying different things until I finally found about the Pam thru a hummingbird ranch website. I use Pam for the bees and shortening to keep the ants off.

I wish I had some bees. I cannot grow veggies that reguire bees for pollination.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

fchisolm, I have a lot less of everything this year. Bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. This is the only time of the year that we get butterflies and usually get thousands of them that migrate thru the area. This year I'm not seeing as many. We usually have tons of bees also but for some reason they are falling out of the tree dead, and this happened last year also at a nearby tree. Hummingbirds, last year at this time I couldn't keep three feeders full and had to refill everyday. Again, a lot less of these also.

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