corkscrew vine need help

Kingston, NY

hi i have a corkscrew vine in a pot right now i have a few blooms and the smell is glorious however i notice that a few leaves are getting yellow and i dont see any more blooms now i cant figure out if i am watering too much or too little and what about fertilizer now i know this is the clematis forum but i guessed that many might know about this beautiful vine thanks

Pretoria, South Africa

It may be that your plant is getting ready for Autumn. Mine usually stops flowering, giving the seeds that formed time to ripen, and at the same time the leaves start turning yellow. At the moment my Corkscrew Vine has almost no leaves, and I can't wait for it to start forming the new ones for Spring!

I usually give mine water when the soil dries out - sometimes every day - depending on the temperatures.

Hope it helps,

Kingston, NY

thankk you for responding all the way from south africa

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