Hanging Flower Bag/Pouch

Canyon, TX(Zone 6b)

Hello All,
I just love looking at all of your pics of your containers!! I have never been very good at making container arangments! But I have always loved them! LOL

I just came across a very old topic about a hanging bag. It looks like a green bread bag that you hang on your fence and plant things in. It has holes (about 6 I think) up the side. (I know this is probably not a great discription but I am trying and can't find the old post to link to! LOL) But man they look beautiful!

Someone on ht old post talked about a pattern for making one and I was wondering if anyone HAD made one? Does anyone have any info on making one, and where to get the material?

WOO WOO Ok I just re-found the link here it is, if you want to see pics! http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/435298/

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