help! iris tops turning brown

Newalla, OK(Zone 7a)

Some of my iris's bloomed like crazy this year but now they're all turning brown at the tops.
We've had a huge amount of rain this year...Oklahoma...would that have something
to do with it? I also have some in a different location that didn't bloom at all this year.
What am I doing wrong?

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

You are not doing anything wrong. After the blooming time iris do die down. Cut the stalks off and then cut the leaves down to about five inches and they will take care of themselves. I had hardly any bloom this year. Some because of the freeze we had. Some are in too much shade. Some because I moved them and some of them will not bloomafter a move for two years. Hope this helps. My name is Bev too.

Newalla, OK(Zone 7a)

thanks so much for the info....and so nice meeting you. i didn't realize iris didn't bloom
for two years after a move..that makes me feel better since I moved them last year
to a sunny spot expecting loads of blooms this year. btw....lovely name you have. :)

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you. You donot meet too many Beverlys. I am in the process of moving and planting hostas before the 90s come back this week. I just sent some of my irises to missouri the other day. I have so many in the shade they are starting to die out. I want to save at least a couple of each color. What threads are you watching besides iris? Bev

Newalla, OK(Zone 7a)

hi bev! so you have hostas also! i love them since i have mostly shade as we live in the woods and they do so well here. i'm new on this site but so far i've been watching perennials, day lilies, clematis, garden art, wildlife, shady gardens and bird watching.
haven't even made it down the entire list yet! what are your interests bev?
have you had much rain this year?

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Bev we have had just the right amount so far. In May we were 5 inches behide but have caught up now thank God. I am watching 76 theads so I am interested in a lot of things mostly hostas since I became a hostaholic a couple of years ago. I collect dragonflys in any form from ceramic to jewelry of which I made a dragonfly pin. I make jewely and crafts,and love to read and go camping. I paint pictures when I get time hardly ever anymore. I am into too many things but that is what keeps me going. I had about 350 preinnials but am scaling down for my hostas because they are hardly any trouble. I hope I haven't bored you. I am interested in any subject anytime. Bev

Newalla, OK(Zone 7a)

wow!!! you must be a busy lady! i too love hostas...there are so many and so easy
i catch myself at the nursery heading straight for them. i love flowers, so i've decided
to get self sowers to leave myself time to do other things like quilting, reading, taking
care of my animals and hopefully digging up more dirt for more gardens. do you have
pictures of your dragonfly jewelry? i love dragonflys...when i was young i used to think
they were friends of fairies....perhaps they are. what a talented lady you are...and
you absolutely did NOT bore have varied interests and i think thats wonderful
and love hearing about them. and you're an artist besides being an avid gardener...
how creative can a person be? do you live in town? i live way out in the country
and once i figure out what i'm doing...i'll try to send you pictures of the darn deer in my yard. bev

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Bev you have d-mail. Bev S.

Nilwood, IL(Zone 5b)

Sorry I did not answer your?? I live in a small town of about350 people just 4 mi. from the town I was born in. I am putting up green beans in the freezer.and making supper. If the prices keep going up we will all have to go back to the big gardens. Bev

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