Phlox blooming today

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Here is a picture of my David Phlox. I am excited because a neighbor gave me a sprig of hers last year and it was so small, I did not think it would do much the first year, but it really took off this spring. It is Disease resistant .

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Here is a picture of Bright Eyes Phlox, (pink) also blooming today. It is one of my favorites.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

You have the prettiest little gardens! Love your combinations. What are the shorter, bushy little pink flowers? So pretty!

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I have my first phlox plant this year: Laura - bright magenta with white centers. I have never grown phlox before. Does anyone know the basics for growing it? Is it just an average plant - sun, occasional watering - average soil? Or does it have special requirements? Do you multiply it by dividing in the spring?

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Staceysmom,

Those are pink begonias in the front. On the right in the back is a Lace-Wing Hydrangea that is finishing up its bloom and my boss gave it to me. It bloomed for 8 weeks and I will try to post a picture of it when it was very lovely and still in a pot.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


I have Laura this year and love it. I planted it last year and have not moved or divided it. But you could divide it if you want and if it has spread enough to divide. I am not sure about when the best time is to divide them but my guess is the spring. Laura is a very good Phlox and disease resistant.

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Simply gorgeous gardens! I wonder if Phlox would do well in a hot dry climate? Off to check it out on plantfiles!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Very lovely gardens, Betty.
I planted David last year, but they didn't do much. This year I moved them to a much sunnier location, and they went gangbusters. I'm really impressed with David; the blooms are really large and pure white. Pictures just don't do them justice. I'm a lazy gardener, but they seem to thrive beautifully, even with neglect.
cactuspatch, you might want to give this cultivar a try.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


Thanks I will give cactuspatch a try.

I will post a picture I took yesterday of the girls I nanny for picking flowers from the David Phlox. They were so funny throwing the flowers in the air.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


Here is one more picture of Sophie throwing the petals of David Phlox in the air!

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Betty I think she was referring to me not to a cultivar names cactuspatch! LOL! Your Sophie is a pretty as the phlox!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi cactuspatch,

Oh--I read and typed that in really fast. Must have been doing two things at once.

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Yep, I have done that myself, just didn't want you to look for that cultivar! ; )

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


You are just so nice and thoughtful. I am a nanny caring for two girls ages one and 2 and I work 53 hours a week and love it but I am just so very busy and gardening also takes up so much of my time but I love it and now I love being on DG website.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

When I read your response I went "huhhh??" -- lol -- I can just imagine your going to a gardening center center asking for cactuspatch phlox! :-))

Cactuspatch, I'm glad you picked up on the miscommunication.

Those little girls are darling. I admire you for working long hours, yet you still are able to maintain beautiful gardens. My hat's off to you.


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sharon,

The girls keep me busy but what joy they bring to my life!!! We just returned from the zoo and they are fast asleep--totally worn out. They wanted to go through the whole zoo today and mainly wanted to see our baby elephant again. His name is Scottie and he is 4 months old and so very cute. I will try to post a picture of him next week. The zoo keepers have already taught him to do tricks. He was up on his hind legs performing for the crowd this morning. When he was about 2 months old he was first introduced to the public. He loves to get in the water hole and he climbed in one day but could not get out. He tried to get out 3 times and kept sliding back in. It was quite funny. His mom just stood there watching as if to say, "You are a big boy now and you can get out all by yourself." So on the 4th time he finally made it out and the crowd cheered and clapped. Our zoo is about 40 years old and this is our first baby elephant and we are all loving him to pieces. We have also had gorillas for the past 8 years. We had one of them that had come from the Chicago zoo. She got pregnant and the baby girl was so cute --but shortly after the baby was born, the Chicago zoo wanted Mom and baby returned to their zoo. We were very sad to see them both go.

I was just thinking , Cactuspatch would be a great name for a new flower, certainly a name no one would forget. It would have to be a flower that would love living in the desert I guess. Anyway I doubt I would have asked for it at a garden center first--I would have googled it first. Then I would have gone to the garden center and they would have said, no we don't carry that one. It must be a new variety and we do not get the newer varieties in for a few years.
That is what they always tell me anyway about the really new varieties. So I would have just walked away and told them I'll be back next year to check on it again!!!
Guess you can tell I am a really new member--only a few weeks now and still learning names.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

What a pretty photo of the girls in the garden.

As for the name cactuspatch, I had dozens I thought of but they were all taken when I tried to get my yahoo id. I love cactus and their blooms, have several cactus patches growing on our property, and I am a quilter so the patch has a double meaning for me! Anyhow, I was glad it wasn't taken here so I could use it at DG too.

I looked up Phlox and it says they need to be kept moist so I don't know if I want to try them here? They are sure pretty, but I may stick to allysum. It can take the heat and dry out but still bloom great.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


That was very interesting, how you came up with that name for DG. Maybe you could post pictures of your cactus plants or even your favorite quilts. My mom loved quilts . We would all love to see the pictures. I am about out of things to post. Have posted my whole front yard and backyard and pictures of the girls I nanny for in the past few weeks. See Photo forums for more of those pictures of the girls and my yard. I guess I have nothing more to post so I will just sit back and enjoy all the other pictures that will be posted.

Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

I didn't even realize we had a photo forum here at DG? I like the way the photos are popping up now though. Here is a link to my photos on flickr I have a few cactus photos there but more of my roses I think. That may be more than you want to see!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


The girls are sitting in my lap and we just viewed all the pictures. Sophie loved the picture of your cat Sophie. I had a cat that looked just like her a few years ago. Your flowers and quilts are lovely. We enjoyed each one. You are amazingly talented!!!! My mom would have loved to have seen all those quilts in person. She died 7 years ago.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed them. I love looking at photos on Flickr.

Tell Sophie that my cat Sophie is 15! An old lady cat for sure, but very well behaved unless she isn't feeling well-then she is a bit crabby. LOL!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


Sophie loves cats. I have two right now. I have lost 4 in the past 7 years. Three were older 10-13years and had cancer and kidney disease. One was only 2 and she died during teeth cleaning last Sept. The vet said she probably had a heart condition we did not know about. Loved the pictures. Sophie, Sadie and I will look at them again sometime. They both have enjoyed seeing all the pictures I took of them in my backyard last Mon. and Tues. I took about a hundred pictures and posted some of the best ones, mainly on the Photo
Forum. The girls laugh when they see themselves on the computer screen and they throw kisses at the screen. They were rewarded for being so co-operative in letting me take so many pictures in 2 days. Last night I bought them two Dora dolls. Needless to say they love the dolls.

Thumbnail by BettyFB

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