Blue pigmies . . .

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I have 1000 seeds for these

Here is a link to pixie's picture of hers. These are delphiniums. They are short - just 10-12 inches apparently - and might make a nice front border.

I can't save the seeds forever . . . so if you would like some, I would be very happy to share with my buddies on NE Forum - especially members of the NENC. (New England Newbie Club)

Just d-mail me :-)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Okay - I still have 2 packages of 100 seeds of Pigmy Blue Delphinium. If you want some, d-mail me :-)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

My blue pigmies have germinated! Now I will have to take them camping with me so I can attend to them until they are big enough to put into the garden . . .

Anyone else started theirs yet?

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