Need to share my excitement !!!!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

A fellow DGer gave me a Datura at a RU, I had never heard of them until nosing around on Daves.I didn't really think much of it, just stuck it in the ground, and watched, and thought as it grew, that is interesting.
I took my dog out this morning, and I smelled perfume, odd, where is that smell coming from?
I turned to see a very large lovely white flower, sniffed at it, and OMG!!!!! That's it ! my goodness, I had to take a moment to ponder the magic of the moment. I'm in LOVE!! LOL !
If any of you good people have info, I know a few things from Plantfiles, and lurking your forum, please share your knowledge!
Can I grow them in pots, and how do they fare? Collect seed? When would I start the seed, Where do I get plants/ seed? Oooo, so many questions. I know they are poisonous. I don't let doggie run the garden alone. Any info would be helpful and appreciated !! or just share in my excitement!!
Thanks, Sandy

Greenwich, OH

Hello:Sandy Last year I grew triple white datura.I soaked the datura seeds for a couple days in tepid water and started the seed in styrofoam cups with good potting soil under grow lights in March.
I hardened off, in a shady spot for week and transplanted in ground.
After your datura blooms,You will see a spiney ,like looking pod.When the pod is ready and turns brownish in color ,the pod will usually split and you will see the brownish colored seeds when mature to collect your seed.This year I have growing in a pot on my patio,datura sugar and cream.Here is a photo of triple white datura I grew last year.
daturas have a sweet like fragrance and start blooming in evening time.

Thumbnail by skimper
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

WTG!!! Sandy!

When starting datura seeds you have to be patient. Some jump right up and other can take months to sprout!

You can grow them in pots/containers but they should be deeper than 8 inches. I grow all of mine in containers.

Here is a link on how to get and harvest seeds.


Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you sooooooo much, skimper and X !! I'm looking forward to learning about and growing these beautiful flowers! Thanks for the link X, very informative! Some of what I have already learned has been from reading another thread that you started!! You both have been ever so helpful !
skimper, that picture is lovely!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Okay, assuming my datura bloom in the next 2 weeks, I will have viable seeds at the beginning of November? hmmmm , , , , we could have snow by then. I think I will have to take cuttings.

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