sick honeysuckle

Davenport, IA

I found my honeysuckle looking sickly. Could this be too much water or too much sun? Or something else? I hope the picture is clear. Thanks, Tammy

Thumbnail by tammynn
Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

looks like powdery mildew to me. somepeople use a baking soda solution and rinse.
or just hose the leaves well to rinse off spores, many times will just grow replacement leaves.

Davenport, IA

Thanks Len123. I hope that's all it is. I didn't want it to spread to my other plants. It gets the hot afternoon sun, so I think maybe I should move it. I had roses there last year and the died. I have a hard time growing anything in that spot. There was a big piece of root buried in the dirt and I removed it before I planted the honeysuckle.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

is that black stuff i see some kind of weedmat? if so, that could be your whole problem with that "problem area".

Davenport, IA

Yes, I have the weed mat in places around there. But I made sure there wasn't any around the bottom of the plant. i think maybe I watered it while the sun was on it or it was too sunny and hot there. All afternoon sun in that spot. So I moved it to a not so sunny spot to see if that helps. I'm sure the black rock behind it didn't help either.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

as the roots of any plant expand and grow, sooner or later they will end up under the weedmat. i've found this stuff to be less than hospitable to plants.

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