Flowering vines for zone 3-4

Is there any flowering vines for this area that are cold hardy? i have a huge deck with tons of space for climbing vines. I plant morning glories, but looking for something that will come back on its own. Maybe there isn't anything? If not what else can i plant besides Morning glories? I have a passion vine, but I bring it in for winter. If anyone has vine seeds or cuttings, I will gladly trade, or sase.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

We have f.ex. many clematis species... Clemtis viticella and Jackmaniis are excellent. And Clematis tangutica. beautiful and easy. We have also some wines, but they only produce fruits, and not so beautiful flowers. Our wine is Vitis x riparia 'Beta'. I can take some cuttings in the autumn if you'd like. Also annuals are great. morning glories, nastrutium, hyacinth bean, etc.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

And oh the best and most odorous is Lonicera.

Evert Yes i would love some cuttings in the Fall, Please keep me in mind. Lonicera, i never heard of that i will have to see if i can find a pic. Thanks.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

OK.... Lonicera is an odorous, very odorous hardy vine. The English name is Honeysuckle, now I remembered it, yahoo... I think you know it.

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