Afraid for cukes

Brooklyn, NY

Just like my beans and tomatos, the pickling cukes were looking great until the last couple of hot and humid days. I'd even picked three over the weekend and they were delicious. Now the leafs and stems are starting to go yellow and brown, almost like rust and some of the bottom ones are even kind of black. One baby cuke just starting to form blackened bad, kind of like rotted. Pics follow. As always, I hope the kind and wonderful Dave's Garden people will help!

This message was edited Jul 10, 2007 8:42 PM

Thumbnail by Bocce
Brooklyn, NY

Another pic

Thumbnail by Bocce
Toledo, OH(Zone 6a)

Mine look like that too, only worse. I always have some damage on the cukes like that. I have no idea what it is, probably stress related.

Plus I've seen signs of powdery mildew. I've been looking for a spare spray bottle so I can make up a baking soda solution to spray on them.

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