Help - Any ideas what's causing these spots ???

Middle River, MD(Zone 7a)

This hydrangea's leaves are getting lighter and yesterday I noticed spots on the leaves......

Novice to plants here....... Would love any suggestions - hate to lose it....

thanks so much - janice

Thumbnail by wallis104
Middle River, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's a second photo......

Thumbnail by wallis104
Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

spots are a fungus. as i am still struggling with new hydrangeas this year I don't feel qualified to comment on leaf color.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The leaves getting lighter could mean it needs fertilizer. Len's right that the spots could be a fungus--are you watering in the evening and/or watering in a way that water splashes on the leaves? If you water especially in the evening and water splashes on the leaves, the leaves stay wet for a long time and that makes an ideal breeding ground for fungus. Or even if you water in the morning, there are fungal spores in the soil sometimes and if you splash water when you're watering, the spores can splash up onto the leaves and then grow.

Middle River, MD(Zone 7a)

Len and ecrane3 - thank you both for your input...... These photos were taken after a shower....

I will make sure that I don't water in the evening and get the leaves wet..... Something I never knew - but will make sure I stop now....

again - thanks so much - janice

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